Chapter 606 Fear of Lu Yuchen...

"Ran Ran, thank you for bringing my parents here." An Yi looked at An Qiaoran and said sincerely, "I had planned to bring them here a long time ago, but your sister-in-law disagreed..."

"Since she disagrees, how do you plan to arrange your parents?"

From what he said just now, it can be seen that he is very afraid of his wife, even because the daughter-in-law can't even control his parents.

"I want to rent a house for them temporarily, let them live alone for a while, and I will take them over after your sister-in-law agrees."

An Qiaoran heard the words, although he was helpless, he still nodded, "This method is also possible, but..."

An Qiaoran thought for a while, and still felt that she should say, "Although you love your daughter-in-law, you can't be blind. She dislikes your parents, but you have no claim. I'm sorry for your parents."


"Cousin, although this has nothing to do with me, but... As a child, you can't treat your parents who gave birth to you like this."

She felt that An Yi's parents were healthy and had the opportunity to be filial, but he didn't want to be filial, which was really a tragedy for his parents.

An Yi listened to An Qiaoran's words and lowered her head, "I will explain clearly to your sister-in-law, but she has a stubborn temper, I'm afraid she won't agree with that, we still have to discuss it slowly, I can only let your uncle and aunt Another room is rented."

"Why do you want to rent a house?" My aunt suddenly said, and she stepped forward to look at her son, "We can live here first, and after you discuss it with your wife, we will move there, so that we don't have to spend any more money. "

"Mom, this is Ran Ran's house, no way..." An Yi looked embarrassed.

"What are you afraid of? It's so big here, Ran Ran won't care about it." The aunt said, and looked at An Qiaoran specifically, "Right! Ran Ran?"

"Of course not..." An Qiaoran smiled and turned to look at Lu Yuchen, but he frowned.

Before uncle and aunt were happy, Lu Yuchen suddenly said, "An Qiaoran is pregnant and needs to rest. You are not suitable to stay here."

To be honest, he didn't like An Qiaoran's uncle and aunt. An Qiaoran said that these two people were never nice to her when she was a child, and now, he doesn't need to do anything to them.

Hearing this, uncle and aunt's complexion suddenly collapsed, they lowered their heads and said nothing more.

Seeing them like this, An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen helplessly, "It doesn't really matter..."

"Aheng, find another house for them." Lu Yuchen ordered, and then looked at his aunt, "When you find it, you can move there."

My aunt was shocked and didn't respond, but An Yi came to her senses and thanked Lu Yuchen.

Lu Yuchen remained expressionless, "You don't need to thank me, I'm just looking at An Qiaoran's face, you guys leave!"

After Lu Yuchen finished speaking, he pulled An Qiaoran to sit on the sofa, picked up a grape on the table and handed it to An Qiaoran's mouth.

An Qiaoran froze for a moment, then opened his mouth to eat.

After saying goodbye, An Yi dragged Xiao Xi away, leaving her uncle and aunt waiting to find a house.

Uncle and aunt stood aside, not as casual as when they first came.

Most of the reason is because Lu Yuchen is here, so he is too reserved.

"Uncle and aunt, you don't have to be so polite, sit down and eat some fruit!" Perhaps because of Lu Yuchen's aggressive aura, the two of them felt a kind of fear towards Lu Yuchen spontaneously.

Seeing that An Qiaoran's attention was not on his side, Ah Heng who had been standing in the corner began to back away cautiously, preparing to sneak away.

did not expect……

"Aheng, where are you going?" An Qiaoran noticed that he wanted to sneak away, and quickly stopped him.

(End of this chapter)

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