Chapter 611 She Must Be A Peerless Beauty
Lu Yuchen smiled excitedly, let go of the doctor's hand, turned around and rushed into the delivery room.

Looking at the smile on Lu Yuchen's face outside, Ah Heng almost doubted his own eyes. After all, in his knowledge, Mr. Lu seemed to have never smiled so happily.

In the delivery room, Lu Yuchen went to the hospital bed and squatted down, looking at the weak An Qiaoran.

Her face was covered with sweat, even the roots of her hair were wet, and so was her neck. The sweat soaked her clothes, which showed how fortunate she was.

An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen, and curled her lips in relief, "Lu Yuchen..."

"do not speak……"

Lu Yuchen stretched out his hand to hold hers, looking at her with distressed eyes, "I'm so sorry for you."

An Qiaoran shook his head, looked at the baby brought by the nurse, and said with a smile, "As you wish, it's a daughter."

As An Qiaoran said, the nurse had already carried the child over, and Lu Yuchen reached out and took the child over, holding it unskillfully.

The small baby was held in his arms, and the tall figure was a bit inconsistent with the baby.

Lu Yuchen looked down at the baby in his arms, and said six words abruptly, "It's not like you at all."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran felt a little helpless, "How can you tell if you're so young? Give me a hug."

"I'm afraid you'll be tired." Lu Yuchen frowned.

"It's okay." An Qiaoran shook his head, "I haven't read it properly yet!"

Lu Yuchen had no choice but to hand the baby to her.

An Qiaoran held the baby in his arms, and the baby pouted, extremely cute.

Just hugging her so sincerely, An Qiaoran suddenly felt deeply moved. From now on, she is a mother.


An Qiaoran was transferred to the VIP ward, and the baby was placed next to her pillow. When grandma came in, she hugged the baby and made fun of it. The baby opened its mouth happily and smiled.

"Ran Ran, this child really looks like you when he smiles." Grandma said happily.

"Really?" An Qiaoran leaned over to look, the grandma handed over the baby, and the baby was still smiling, "It really looks like me! Before, Lu Yuchen said he didn't look like me."

"Where? I think the eyes and mouth are very similar to yours! The nose is a bit like Lu Yuchen. She looks so beautiful now, and she will definitely be a big beauty when she grows up."

Grandma looked at the baby and said without exaggeration.

"My Lu Yuchen's daughter must be a peerless beauty." Lu Yuchen, who came in with a lunch box, heard what grandma said, and said proudly.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran felt a little helpless, "That also has half of my genes!"

Lu Yuchen came in with the lunch box, opened it, filled a bowl of chicken soup, took a spoonful, put it near his mouth and blew it, trying not to burn it, and then delivered it to An Qiaoran's mouth.

Grandma is still here!An Qiaoran was a little shy.

Grandma naturally noticed it too, and said with a smile, "You drink the soup first, and I'll take my great-granddaughter out for a stroll."

"Don't go too far." Lu Yuchen instructed.


Grandma happily left the ward with the child in her arms, and An Qiaoran happily drank the soup.

"How does it taste?" Lu Yuchen asked.

"Hmm...not bad." An Qiaoran thought for a while, and then replied.

"Drink more if it tastes good, and make up for the lost meat." After giving birth, she lost a lot of weight.

"If you make up again, you will become a fat woman." An Qiaoran said helplessly.

When she was pregnant, he kept chasing her to take supplements, which caused all the supplements to be on her body. She was fat like a pig, but the child was okay.

"If you don't eat it, you'll be skinny." Lu Yuchen said with a frown.

"It's not that thin, you're obviously fat, okay?" An Qiaoran curled her lips helplessly.

Lu Yuchen wanted to say something else, but there was a knock on the door of the ward.

(End of this chapter)

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