Chapter 621 Do you want to do it again?
Hearing An Qiaoran's weak words, Lu Yuchen was extremely excited. He put his head on his hands and looked at her refreshedly, "Well, it's worth it."

Although he lost, he saw her initiative anyway, but he didn't expect her to be skilled, and it was just a kiss that made him want to stop.


Hearing these two words, An Qiaoran felt that he had lost a lot. Don't do this kind of self-immolation by playing with fire next time.

"No, you have to agree to two conditions." Safe and changed his mind.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen frowned, "Isn't it a condition? An Qiaoran, are you kidding me?"

"I think I've lost money, can't I?" An Qiaoran said proudly.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen thought it was a little funny, "You still feel bad? You were enjoying yourself just now."

He does all the physical work, so she still feels bad?

Lu Yuchen's blunt words made An Qiaoran a little guilty, but he still pretended to be calm and said, "Which eye of yours saw me enjoy it?"

"Huh? You mean, you don't feel well?" Lu Yuchen stared at her and smiled charmingly, "Then do you want to do it again?"

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was startled, and quickly tightened the bath towel on her body, then pulled the quilt to cover herself tightly, and finally looked at Lu Yuchen, shaking her head vigorously.

Seeing An Qiaoran's series of actions, Lu Yuchen felt a little helpless, "For the sake of your hard work, I can promise you two conditions, just tell me!"

Hearing this, An Qiaoran relaxed his vigilance, and said with a serious face, "The elder sister came to me this morning and said that the old lady was sick because of you, so... I want you and me to go and see .”

An Qiaoran spoke carefully, and Lu Yuchen's eyes gradually turned cold.

Seeing this, An Qiaoran continued, "How can I say that she is also your grandma, who is related to you by blood. She is sick now, don't you want to go and see?"

"The next condition." Lu Yuchen said expressionlessly, with a cold voice.

An Qiaoran didn't care, and continued, "I know you're conflicted, but... Even if you really don't recognize her, can you take my sake and accompany me to see her?"

Except for his parents' car accident, most of the conflicts between him and her grandma were caused by her, and An Qiaoran felt very guilty.

An Qiaoran's words gave Lu Yuchen a slight reaction, and he raised his eyes to look at her, "An Qiaoran, your memory was eaten by dogs? Have you forgotten how she treated you? She wanted to kill you, and then It made you difficult to give birth, why did you let me see her?"

"But she is doing it for your own good..." An Qiaoran said.

"I don't need her kindness!" Lu Yuchen roared, "An Qiaoran, you don't even know what she did to you behind your back, you can easily forgive her, but I will never forgive her !"

"But she is your grandma..."

"The relationship has been severed. I have nothing to do with her now."


An Qiaoran wanted to say something more, but Lu Yuchen continued, "Don't talk about this matter anymore, I won't go to see her, let alone just sick, even if she died, I wouldn't go to see her. "

After Lu Yuchen finished speaking coldly, he turned over and got out of bed, went to the cloakroom to get a bathrobe to put on, and then left the bedroom straight away.

Looking at the closed door, An Qiaoran felt helpless.

Since she spoke so harshly, why did she avoid her words?

What is she going to do to make him let go of his grudge?
(End of this chapter)

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