Chapter 640 Rescue Lanyan
Lu Yuchen turned his eyes to An Qiaoran, frowning, "What are you doing?"

"I'm going too." An Qiaoran said.

She and Yan'er hit it off right away, how could she not go to rescue her?She also wanted to see that she was safe and well.

"No!" He refused without any thought.

"Why?" An Qiaoran was unhappy.

"It's on the river, it's dangerous, you can't go." Lu Yuchen said, reaching out to caress her head lovingly, "Hey, stay at home and watch over my daughter, I'll be back in three hours."

"But I really want to go." An Qiaoran pouted, and then took Lu Yuchen's hand, coquettishly, "Lu Yuchen, just let me go! I will take care of myself, I'm not afraid."

Seeing her acting like a baby again, Lu Yuchen was very helpless, and subconsciously wanted to agree, but he still took care of the overall situation.

"You're not afraid, I'm afraid." Lu Yuchen said refusing, "This time it's not a joke, stay at home obediently, don't make me angry, huh?"

"I don't..." An Qiaoran resisted, "I'm going."

"Are you disobedient again?" Lu Yuchen said with a frown.

When did this woman become so rascal?

"Anyway, I'm going, and Yunmo also said that there is only Yunxiao alone. There are so many of you, can't you still protect me?" An Qiaoran started the vexatious mode.

Her words made Lu Yuchen choke for a moment, and Ah Heng couldn't help laughing seeing An Qiaoran like this.

Lu Yuchen glared at him, he quickly shut up, and ran away, "That...Mr. Lu, I'll go outside and wait..."

"I'll wait outside too." Yun Mo also turned and left.

Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran, very helpless, "Okay! You can go, but you can't run around, you have to follow me all the time."

"Obey!" An Qiaoran jumped up happily as soon as she heard that she could go, grabbed Lu Yuchen's hand and ran outside.

After going out, An Qiaoran realized that Lu Yuchen's bodyguards were unusually large. They stood in five rows. It seemed that there were so many people that An Qiaoran couldn't count them.

"set off!"

With Ah Heng's order, everyone got into the car, a total of more than ten cars, and drove towards the river together.

Half an hour later, the car stopped by the river, An Qiaoran and Lu Yuchen got off the car, and saw a helicopter in the open space by the river.

"This is……"

An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen suspiciously, but Lu Yuchen didn't say a word, walked over with her in his arms, came to the helicopter, opened the cabin door, and lowered the ladder

"Go up." Lu Yuchen said to An Qiaoran.

An Qiaoran was stunned when he heard that, "Aren't we going to save Yan'er? Why are we going to the helicopter?"

An Qiaoran's words made Lu Yuchen a little helpless, "Saving people is their job, we are only in charge of watching the show."

"What?" An Qiaoran said he didn't understand.

Seeing her bewildered expression, Lu Yuchen didn't intend to say any more, and urged her to go up.

Unexpectedly, only she, Lu Yuchen and two bodyguards got on the plane, and everyone else was on the cruise ship.

Yun Mo seemed to be on board too.

An Qiaoran on the plane looked at the situation below and felt sympathy for those diving.

This river crosses two urban areas, so it has a vast area, and there are no people on the river. Yun Xiao didn't know what to do when he brought Lan Yan here.

The speed of the cruise ship is still a bit fast, I don't know if they can still catch up with Yunxiao.

I hope Lan Yan is safe and sound.

(End of this chapter)

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