Chapter 642 Destroy Everything He Owns

Listening to Ah Heng's words, Yun Mo hesitated for a moment on his handsome face, and finally said, "Lan Yan is my woman, to be honest, I don't fully trust you, I won't feel at ease until I see Yan Er. "

Ah Heng looked at him, feeling a little helpless, "This is my wife's death order. If I let you jump over, if you fall into the river, my job will be gone... Sigh!"

As soon as Ah Heng finished speaking, Yun Mo's figure rushed out, and soon jumped onto the deck of the cruise ship ahead.

Yun Mo turned around, glanced at him, and then cautiously went around into the cruise ship.

Ah Heng looked at him, a little angry and a little helpless, "What a complete lunatic! He even gave up his life for a woman."

Pressing the earphones on his ears, he said, "Boss Lu, Yun Mo ignored the advice and jumped over."

"I see, proceed as planned."

"Yes!" Ah Heng said, then looked at the bodyguard beside him, "Quick! Jump over! Make the movement quieter."


In a certain room of the cruise ship, Lan Yan was tied to a chair, her hands and feet were bound, she couldn’t move, her mouth was stuck with tape, she couldn’t speak, and could only make a sound of “嘿嘿”.

Wearing a black shirt, Yun Xiao came in from the outside with a dagger in hand, sat down on the sofa in front of her, and looked at her with a smile on his face.

"How is it? Are your hands and feet numb? Do you need me to untie it for you? Huh?"

Yun Xiao's tone was full of smiles, but it was a smile with malicious intentions.

Lan Yan's mouth was sealed, unable to speak, she gave him a hard look and looked away.

Yun Xiao looked at her staring into his eyes, and smiled instead of anger, "At this point, do you think Yun Mo will come to save you? Don't forget, this is Beicheng. If he was in country A, he might be able to easily save you." found you, but here, he has no one, do you think he can save you?"

Lan Yan didn't bother to look at him, her eyes were full of disgust.

"Also... when I get to the center of Jiang, I will throw you down. At that time, he will never find you again, and he will go crazy. The Yun family will be mine, haha!"

Yun Xiao spoke pervertedly, and even managed to laugh, that laughter made Lan Yan want to vomit.

"You can still be so rational until now? What makes you so calm?" Yun Xiao looked at her, smiled pervertedly, and stretched out his hand towards her.

"Hmm!" Lan Yan resisted and wanted to say something.

With a sound of "tearing", the tape on her mouth was torn off, and there was a burning pain around her lips.

Lan Yan stared at Yunxiao and said angrily, "I tell you Yunxiao, don't be complacent, even if you kill me and get the Yun family, it will be destroyed by your hands sooner or later! You won't get a good death either!"

"Do you also think I don't have that ability? But let me tell you, I just want Yun Shi! I just want to watch Yun Mo die in pain and despair! I just want to destroy everything he has now!"

Yun Xiao suddenly looked ferocious, and said in hatred.

Yun Mo is his greatest enemy in this life, even if he has nothing, he still has to make him suffer!

"Lan Yan, originally I didn't want to hurt you. I wanted to snatch you away from Yun Mo and let him taste the taste of betrayal. I also wanted to treat you well. But you don't know how to play! Follow Yun Mo, there is no other way, in order to make him suffer, I can only sacrifice you."

Yun Xiao said, and glanced outside, "Come on, I slowed down on purpose to let you experience the fear of death, but seeing that you are so stubborn and there is no fear in your eyes, I feel that I am not interested. Just speed up and let you die quickly."

After Yun Xiao finished speaking, he got up and walked out. At the same time, Yun Mo, who got on the cruise ship first, searched for many rooms but couldn't find Lan Yan, and was rushing to this room...

(End of this chapter)

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