Chapter 654 Not angry anymore?wife?

"What are you doing?" An Qiaoran stared at him dissatisfiedly, trying to close his hand, but he held it tighter, and his wrist was pinched a little painfully.

"You hurt me." An Qiaoran said in pain, frowning.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen subconsciously let go of her hand, but he did not let her go because of this, but pulled her in front of him, leaning her body against his.

An Qiaoran looked at him speechlessly, "What are you doing again?"

Lu Yuchen threw away the hair dryer in his hand, reached out and raised her chin, looked at her deeply, "Still angry?"

"No." An Qiaoran turned her head away, not looking at him, and directly denied it.

"No?" Lu Yuchen didn't believe it, and turned her head around again, facing him, "You see that your face is wrinkled with anger, and you still say you're not angry?"

"You just got wrinkles, you're older than me." An Qiaoran looked at him dissatisfied.

He is six years older than her!He didn't even say that he was old yet, but he first mentioned that she had wrinkles.

Older than her?
Lu Yuchen was a little displeased when he heard this, frowned, and looked at her dangerously, "You mean I'm old?"


Seeing that his face began to change, An Qiaoran wisely said nothing.

Indeed, this man is so arrogant, he can't let others say anything about him, otherwise he will be unhappy again.

"Not old, but older than me is always true!" An Qiaoran looked at him helplessly.

"It's true, but...don't say I'm old." Lu Yuchen looked at her warningly, "Otherwise, I don't mind using actual actions to prove that I'm not old at all!"

An Qiaoran swallowed a mouthful of saliva in fright, then nodded quickly, "OK, I won't talk about it in the future, I'm going to change clothes now."

After An Qiaoran finished speaking, he turned around and was about to walk into the cloakroom.

"Not angry anymore? Wife?" Lu Yuchen suddenly took her hand, and a magnetic voice sounded behind her.


An Qiaoran was stunned for a moment when he heard these two words, then turned around to look at him the next second, and asked uncertainly, "What did you just say?"

"Honey, I'll change clothes with you, okay?" Lu Yuchen said again tirelessly, his voice was so magnetic, and there was a hint of doting in his eyes.

Originally, An Qiaoran was very happy when she heard Lu Yuchen call her his wife.But after hearing his next sentence, his whole face darkened, "Fuck you!"

An Qiaoran said a word, then ran into the cloakroom quickly, found home clothes, and changed into them.

Looking at herself in the mirror, An Qiaoran felt a little headache.

Lu Yuchen left too many strawberries on her body, on her neck and arms...

Other places are fine, the clothes can cover her, but on this neck... Do you want her to wear a scarf on a hot day?That can't kill her?But if you don't surround yourself, there are Yun Mo and Lan Yan watching from below!How embarrassing?
Thinking about it, An Qiaoran couldn't help but gritted his teeth at Lu Yuchen, this time he deliberately left marks on her neck, it was too much.

No matter how much An Qiaoran thought about it, he couldn't swallow this breath.So, she casually put on a piece of home clothes, then walked to the door, opened it, and saw Lu Yuchen standing outside blowing her hair.

Gritting her teeth, she said in a coquettish tone, "Honey, don't you want to change clothes with me? Come in!"

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen turned around and looked at her. The door of the cloakroom was opened a little. At this moment, half of her body was inside the cloakroom, while her upper body was exposed outside.

Although she was wearing home clothes, it was low-necked. From Lu Yuchen's angle, she could just see her faintly visible scenery.

His throat rolled up and down a few times, and there was a bit of desire in his eyes when he looked at her.

(End of this chapter)

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