Chapter 660 As expected of Lu Yuchen
"Is the child asleep?" Lan Yan stood up and glanced at the child in the swaddle.

"Well, I'm already asleep." An Qiaoran nodded, and glanced at Lu Yuchen, "I'll carry the baby up first."

Lu Yuchen didn't speak, but looked at her with an ugly expression on his face.

An Qiaoran felt strange, but didn't think too much about it, and went upstairs with the child in his arms.

Lu Yuchen stood there for a while, then looked at Yun Mo, and said displeasedly, "When are you leaving?"

"Uh..." Yun Mo didn't expect Lu Yuchen to ask such a straightforward question, he was stunned for a moment, and said, "We haven't bought our air tickets yet, so I will trouble you for a few more days."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen's complexion became even worse, and he looked at Nade beside him, "Take him to see Yunxiao."

After speaking, he turned around and went upstairs.

Yun Mo looked at the back of him leaving, and smiled, as expected of Lu Yuchen, everyone knew that he was going to stay to see Yun Xiao.

"Young Master Yun, please follow me." Nade came over and made a gesture of invitation to him.

"It's work."

Yun Mo nodded politely, then walked out, took a few steps, and found that Lan Yan hadn't followed.

Turning around and looking at her suspiciously, "Yan'er..."

"I don't want to see him, go by yourself!" Lan Yan said, and sat down on the sofa.

Hearing this, Yun Mo understood her, and didn't say anything more, "Then wait for me obediently here, I'll be back in a while."

Lan Yan nodded.

Yun Mo followed Nade and got into the car. Half an hour later, the car stopped outside an abandoned factory in the suburbs.

Yun Mo got out of the car, looked at the abandoned factory, and frowned, "Is Yun Xiao right here?"

Nade was calling the bodyguard inside. Hearing this, he nodded slightly, "Yes."

Yun Mo looked at this factory that seemed to have nothing wrong on the surface, and couldn't help admiring Lu Yuchen in his heart.

Probably in order not to arouse suspicion, the gate of the factory was extremely dilapidated, and there was no one guarding it outside.

With Lu Yuchen's temper, this place should be regarded as heavily guarded!How could he think of putting Yun Xiao here.

The abandoned door was opened, and a man in worker's clothes came over, "De Butler."

"Master, let him watch Yunxiao and lead the way!" Nade looked at the man and said.

Hearing this, the man was stunned for a moment, glanced at Yun Mo, and nodded after a while, "Okay! Come with me!"

The three of them entered the factory together, walked a long and abandoned road, and finally entered a room that was relatively barely livable.

As soon as the door was opened, the people inside quickly picked up their guns, and when they saw that it was the boss, they put away the guns and called out, "Boss."

The man didn't speak, but walked in with Nade and Yunmo, pushed open a door, saw a staircase leading down, and walked down.

All the way to the basement, walked a long corridor, and finally stopped outside a door.

The man stretched out his hand, opened the door, and said to Yunmo, "Yunxiao is inside, in order to avoid suspicion, you have to hurry up."

"I know, I will do it as soon as possible." Yun Mo nodded and walked in.

Inside is a large room, surrounded by darkness, and you can't see your fingers.

The man turned on the light for him, and Yun Mo could see clearly.

In a corner of the room, Yun Xiao sat on the ground leaning against the wall, heard footsteps, and looked up.

When he saw that it was Yun Mo, his emotions became agitated all of a sudden, and he quickly got up and rushed towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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