Chapter 670: Learning to Make Cakes
Early the next morning, An Qiaoran was playing downstairs with the child in his arms, and Nade came in with a bodyguard. The bodyguard was still holding a not-so-big cube box on the coffee table.

"Inside this box is..."

An Qiaoran looked at the box and asked.

"It's an antique vase." Nade replied, and stepped forward to open the box with his own hands. It was really a beautiful vase inside.

An Qiaoran looked over and understood, "You want me to take this thing to the old house to celebrate the old lady's birthday?"

"Yes." Nade nodded, "I remember that when I was in the old house, the old lady liked these antiques very much. It is more suitable to use this as a gift."

After Nade finished speaking, An Qiaoran pursed her lips, then nodded, "Alright, just use this!"

She doesn't know what the old lady likes, so in the plan to please the old lady, Nade is indispensable.

After the vase was packed by Nade, An Qiaoran asked Zhao Qiaoqiao to go out.

Tomorrow is the old lady's [-]th birthday, she has to prepare a big cake, and she has to make this cake herself.

Because I haven't told Lu Yuchen about celebrating the old lady's birthday, I can't learn it in the villa, so I can only go to the cake shop.

An Qiaoran and Zhao Qiaoqiao went to a relatively famous cake shop in Beicheng, and then began to consult the boss about learning cakes.

I thought it would be smooth, but unexpectedly, there were many twists and turns. This cake shop is very famous. An Qiaoran wants to learn how to make cakes here, but the boss is really embarrassed.

"Then what should we do? Ran Ran, why don't we switch?" Zhao Qiaoqiao listened to the boss's words and looked at An Qiaoran in embarrassment.

"No, it must be delicious, otherwise it won't work." An Qiaoran shook his head and looked at the boss again, "I just want to make a cake here, not to open a shop or anything. If you have any concerns, You can set a price, and I am willing to pay any amount."

Hearing this, the boss thought for a moment, then nodded in compromise, "Seeing that you want to learn so much, it's fine, just give me 20 yuan."


When Zhao Qiaoqiao heard this shocking number, she became emotionally unstable, "20, it's too high! I see that you are also opening a store in a shopping mall under IE. Boss, do you know that she is..."

"Qiaoqiao..." Before Zhao Qiaoqiao finished speaking, An Qiaoran quickly grabbed her hand, shook her head at her, and signaled her not to speak.

If it was revealed that she was Mrs. Lu Yuchen, more trouble would probably arise.

"Ran Ran, he's obviously blackmailing. If it wasn't because this is an IE mall, he might not be so famous!" Zhao Qiaoqiao was dissatisfied.

It is because IE is famous that his store is so popular, what she said is not wrong.

"Okay, Qiao Qiao, there's no need to say more." An Qiaoran said, looking at the boss, "20 is 20, but you have to teach me."

"Naturally, miss, please rest assured."

As the boss spoke, he led An Qiaoran to the back room. Zhao Qiaoqiao was about to follow, but was stopped by the boss.

"I'm sorry, miss, you didn't pay, so you can't steal from a teacher."


"Miss, please wait outside." The boss said without changing his face.

Zhao Qiaoqiao glared at the boss, turned around and sat on the sofa in the shop without saying anything.

"Miss, please come with me." The boss made a gesture of invitation to An Qiaoran, and then entered the back room.

Zhao Qiaoqiao was sitting on the sofa and swiping her phone boredly. Two hours had passed, and it was already 12:30.

"Sir, welcome to our store. May I ask what you need?" The waiter in the store looked at the man who walked in outside the door and greeted him with a smile.

Zhao Qiaoqiao has been sitting here for a long time, because she was bored, she habitually raised her eyes when she heard the sound.

When she saw the person coming, she was stunned...

(End of this chapter)

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