Chapter 687 What did it do to him?
It's fine if he didn't say this. When An Qiaoran heard his words, he immediately looked at him with dissatisfaction, "If you don't drink, will she have a chance? Will she dare?"

And he was drunk?Fortunately, he had the nerve to say so, and asked Chen Lanyu out...

As An Qiaoran spoke, she suddenly thought of something, raised her eyes to meet Lu Yuchen's, "Lu Yuchen, tell me, why did you send the old lady out of the city today?"

Today is the old lady's birthday. Could it be that he really wanted her to go, that's why Chen Lanyu sent the old lady away?
Hearing this, Lu Yuchen's face became a little unnatural, seeing her staring at him seriously, frowning.

"As you think, I just don't want you to see her." Lu Yuchen looked at her, "What else do you want to ask?"


What else does she want to ask?She didn't even know what to say.

She just wanted to celebrate her birthday with the old lady, but she didn't expect him to send his grandma out of the city in order to stop her. It's really amazing!
An Qiaoran was so powerless to complain, she smiled dryly and said nothing.

"But if you take me to see her now, I have a reason to keep her here." An Qiaoran looked at him and said.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen pursed his thin lips tightly and didn't say anything, his expression was very bad.

If it weren't for her always caring about the scratches on his back, it would be absolutely impossible for him to sabotage this plan.

Because only if the old lady leaves quietly, An Qiaoran will not think about finding her all day long, and will not pester him to see the old lady all day long.

The most important thing is that An Qiaoran's personal safety will not be threatened.

There was silence in the car, and Lu Yuchen's phone vibrated.

"Mr. Lu, I have already received Chen Lanyu and the old lady, and I am sending them back!"

Ah Heng's voice rang over the phone.

Lu Yuchen glanced at An Qiaoran subconsciously, and then said, "Understood, don't send her to another garden, but send her back to the Lu family's old house."

"Understood, Mr. Lu."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Yuchen looked at Nade, "Go back to Lu's house."


When An Qiaoran and Lu Yuchen rushed to the Lu family, the entire Lu family was controlled by Ah Heng, and no one could go out.

In order to prevent Chen Lanyu and the old lady from escaping, he put a lot of thought into it.

"Where's Chen Lanyu?" Lu Yuchen asked when he saw Ah Heng.

"At the lobby."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen took the lead and walked in. An Qiaoran looked in the direction of the hall, and didn't intend to go there.

This matter has a direct relationship with her, so it's better for her not to get over it.

Seeing that she didn't keep up, Lu Yuchen turned and glanced at the sky. After a few seconds, he turned and continued to walk into the hall.

Seeing that Lu Yuchen had already passed, An Qiaoran walked over slowly, listening to the situation outside the door.

In order to avoid arousing suspicion, she also took out her mobile phone and pretended to look at it. In fact, all her energy was spent on her ears.

Inside, Chen Lanyu and the old lady were sitting on the sofa and chatting, when Lu Yuchen came over.

"Yuchen, you're finally here. What's going on here?" Seeing him coming, Chen Lanyu quickly stood up and asked suspiciously.

Lu Yuchen didn't look at her, but just glanced at the old lady.

"Did you tell her everything?" Although she looked at the old lady and asked, it was Chen Lanyu who asked.

Chen Lanyu was stunned for a while after hearing the words, "Yes, I don't say that, the old lady refuses to leave with me."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen understood, didn't say much, just looked at her, and said sharply, "What did you do to me last night while I was drunk?"

(End of this chapter)

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