Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 701 He is not An Qiaoran's child, he will never admit it

Chapter 701 He is not An Qiaoran's child, he will never admit it
Hearing this, Nade turned pale with fright, "Master...that's your child..."

"Even you say that?" Lu Yuchen stared at him coldly, with a very unfriendly tone.

The woman's child was stolen by her, and it had nothing to do with him, and it was her own fault to take it.

Looking at Lu Yuchen's stern face, Nade blushed a little, "Master, what I the truth! No matter how her child was conceived, it is indeed your own flesh and blood, you can't do this."

It was rare for Nade to resist Lu Yuchen, but it was for Chen Lanyu, which made Lu Yuchen a little angry, "Who are you?"

"I have always followed you, young master. Naturally, I belong to you. I am absolutely loyal to you." Nade said with his head down.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen sneered, "My man? He is loyal to me, so why did you ask An Qiaoran to show his favor to the old lady? This time you rebelled against me again, why are you at ease?"

Lu Yuchen looked at Na De coldly, his voice was full of anger.

Hearing this, Nade lowered his head even lower, "Master, I'm not resisting you, I just think it's not good to continue this conflict, besides, it's really your child, I... can't do it."


Lu Yuchen's face was already gloomy with anger at Nade's words.

Unexpectedly, Nade continued, "Although Miss Chen is wrong, she has never hurt the young lady. The reason why she is pregnant with this child is because of the old lady's idea. After all, she is also a victim. "

"Oh! Nade, I don't know, when did you become so emotional." Lu Yu looked at Nade who lowered his head, mocking coldly, in a terrible mood.

"It's not that I'm emotional, it's just that young master...that's a life! It's your child. If you can do it, why do you let me go?"

"You hate Chen Lanyu for stealing the child and making the young lady sad. Shouldn't you do it yourself? Why didn't you go? In the end, you can't bear it either. Since you can't bear it, why do you have to take the child away? "

Nade spoke bitterly, while Lu Yuchen stood there with a gloomy face, his thin lips were tightly pressed, but he couldn't say a word, and his brows were tightly frowned.

his child...

Nade has repeatedly emphasized that it is his child, do you really think he can't bear it?Nothing is worth mentioning in front of An Qiaoran.

If this child is not taken, An Qiaoran will not be able to smile at ease, so this child must not be kept.It's not An Qiaoran's child, he will never admit it!
Lu Yuchen looked at Nade and said, "Since you won't go, then give me the medicine and I will go myself."

Nade raised his head in shock when he heard this, but saw Lu Yuchen's serious face, he really wanted to get rid of that child, Nade was a little embarrassed, "Master..."

"Don't forget, you are just a housekeeper!" Lu Yuchen warned him coldly when he saw he hesitated.

He is just a butler, and he can't manage his affairs.

"Young Master, you can't go." Nade insisted, "Young Madam will definitely be angry if she finds out that you have done this."

"If An Qiaoran knows about this, I will destroy you!" Lu Yuchen said fiercely.

An Qiaoran is damn kind, if she knew that he went to take Chen Lanyu's child, it would be a genius if she didn't fall out with him.

"But the young lady will definitely know."

"How would she know if you didn't tell me?" Lu Yuchen stared at him, "Hurry up and give me the medicine!"

"'s really not good, I can't give it to you." Nade still hoped that Lu Yuchen would let the unformed child go.

(End of this chapter)

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