Chapter 704 Did she ask you to come?

Before the medicine bottle was delivered to Lu Yuchen, Lu Yuchen snatched it, "You can get lost."

Ah Heng looked at Lu Yuchen, and then at Chen Lanyu, who was pale. In the end, unable to do anything or say anything, he turned around and left.

He is the clearest about Mr. Lu's feelings for his wife. His wife is in a terrible mood because of Chen Lanyu's pregnancy. For his wife, Mr. Lu did not hesitate to do such a heinous act. Butler De can't persuade him, nor can he.

After Ah Heng left, Chen Lanyu's face became paler and paler. Even so, she still looked at Lu Yuchen with a smile, stroked her stomach, and said.

"Yuchen, do you know? Ever since I had this child, I feel that I am no longer alone. As long as I think that this child is yours and I am pregnant with him, I feel as if you are by my side .”

Lu Yuchen looked at the medicine bottle in his hand, as if he didn't listen to what she said.

Chen Lanyu didn't care about him, and continued, "Every time I touch him, I have the illusion that you are by my side. That feeling is very real, and you will never understand it."


"No... You may understand that you are so good to An Qiaoran and you love her so much, so you must understand that you may only look at him or touch him for anything related to your beloved , you will feel that it is him, and you will also feel very happy."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen's eyes changed slightly, and he suddenly remembered that when An Qiaoran went to country A for an internship, he went back to the bedroom alone.

Looking at the big soft bed, he would think of the scene of An Qiaoran lying on it and sleeping.

Looking at the kitchen, he would think of An Qiaoran busy in front of the stove.

Looking at the photo on the desktop of the phone, his image is all in my mind...

Chen Lanyu noticed the change in Lu Yuchen's eyes, and continued, "After having this child, I live happily every day. I am very careful in everything I do. I am afraid of hurting this child. This child is my life." , I can't let him make a mistake."

Lu Yuchen didn't speak.

"Yuchen, although the origin of this child is not right, I am very happy to be pregnant with your child and have children for the man I love. No matter what happens in the future, I will not regret it." Chen Lanyu looked at Lu Yuchen , Said extremely firmly, without any false meaning.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen finally reacted. He raised his eyes to look at her, and seeing the firmness in her eyes, he felt a little funny.

"Chen Lanyu, don't you think your idea is funny?"

Seeing the mocking smile in Lu Yuchen's eyes, instead of getting angry, Chen Lanyu continued, "I don't find it funny. Yuchen, I am very happy to be pregnant with your child. I don't expect you to divorce An Qiaoran Then marry me, I just want to give birth to the child, bring him up safely, and spend my whole life."

Chen Lanyu's words made Lu Yuchen silent for three seconds, and then he glanced at her slightly protruding abdomen, and said coldly, "It's wishful thinking to want to give birth to this wild species!"

If this child was really born, how could An Qiaoran be so embarrassing?Even if she figured it out now, she doesn't blame him anymore.

However, he knew that she had always cared about it in her heart. Although she always had an expression of indifference on the surface, she was wronged in her heart.

He couldn't stand her being wronged a little bit!

(End of this chapter)

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