Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 708 Two in a row and three bad things

Chapter 708 One Bad Thing After another

Lu Yuchen glanced at him, not intending to talk nonsense to him, and walked away.


Lu Yuchen stopped suddenly, not because of Nade, but because of the vibrating cell phone.

"What's the matter?" Lu Yuchen asked impatiently, frowning.

"Young Master Lu, Ran Ran is gone!" Zhao Qiaoqiao's nervous and worried voice came from the phone.

"What's going on? Didn't she go to the company with you? Why did she disappear?"

Didn't An Qiaoran go to be with her?How could it be gone?

"This... Ran Ran went to the company with me. On the way back, she went to the bathroom and didn't come out after that. I couldn't get through to her, and I couldn't reach her no matter what."

As Zhao Qiaoqiao spoke, she became more and more flustered, "Young Master Lu, what do you think we should do? Ran Ran can't be bothered!"

Listening to Zhao Qiaoqiao's words, Lu Yuchen's whole face became gloomy, his face was solemn, his thin lips were tightly pressed together, "Where did she disappear? Tell me the location immediately."

"I'm right there now, I'll send you the location, come here quickly!"

After Zhao Qiaoqiao finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Lu Yuchen stood there with the phone waiting, minutes and seconds passed, and finally with a "ding dong", Zhao Qiaoqiao finally sent the location.

He quickly took a look, and it turned out to be the place closest to the river!
"Master, what happened?" Nade couldn't help asking, looking at Lu Yuchen's serious face.

"An Qiaoran is gone." Lu Yuchen said in a low voice with a heavy complexion, and walked towards the stairs, looking for Ah Heng's phone while walking.

When he was about to make a call, Ah Heng called, and before he could speak, Ah Heng over there took the lead and said, "Mr. Lu, it's not good. There was news from the factory that Yun Xiao and Lu Feng He was rescued by a group of unidentified people, and his whereabouts are unknown now."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen frowned again, and asked coldly, "The one who was rescued an hour ago, and you are only calling me now? You can do enough, Special Assistant Ah Heng!"

Bad things happened one after another, so naturally his mood was not much better.

"I also just received a call from there, and I will notify you in time." Ah Heng expressed his innocence.

Lu Yuchen pursed his thin lips, quickened his pace, ran to the garage, took out the keys and got into a car, Nade followed closely and took the initiative to get into the driver's seat.

"Go to Hualan Road!"

Lu Yuchen said to Nade, and then ordered to the phone, "Send some people to chase after him first, and find out no matter what!"

"Alright Mr. Lu."

"Leave the chasing to Yue Qing. You immediately put down all your work and come to Hualan Road." Lu Yuchen held the phone in one hand, and tugged at his collar irritably with the other.

"Mr. Lu... did something happen?" Ah Heng asked suspiciously.

"An Qiaoran is gone!" Lu Yuchen growled irritably, feeling extremely confused.

"My wife is gone, how could..."

"Too much nonsense! Come here quickly!" After speaking, Lu Yuchen hung up the phone, stretched out his hand and unbuttoned the two collar buttons, extremely irritable.

How could An Qiaoran disappear?If Lu Feng ran away, there would definitely be trouble again.


When Lu Yuchen arrived at Hualan Road, a car stopped behind the car as he got out of the car, and Ah Heng got off from it.

"President Lu, what's going on?" Ah Heng came to Lu Yuchen and asked nervously.

"..." Lu Yuchen glanced at Zhao Qiaoqiao who was running towards here, and said in a low voice, "Where did you miss An Qiaoran?"

(End of this chapter)

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