Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 711 He Was the One Who Captured An Qiaoran

Chapter 711 He Was the One Who Captured An Qiaoran

"Huh?" Lu Yuchen didn't seem to understand, why did grandma think that An Qiaoran shouldn't go?Although the business trip was fake, if it was real, she would definitely go with him.

Grandma saw Lu Yuchen's doubts, and quickly explained, "I mean, how long are you going to go? If it takes too long, the baby will not be able to eat milk, and will panic."

Even though there was nothing wrong with grandma's explanation, Lu Yuchen still saw the clues, but he didn't say anything, but replied, "It won't be too long, more than ten days at most, and six or seven days at least."

"Oh, that's good, that's good." Grandma nodded, turned and entered the house.

Lu Yuchen looked at grandma's back, thinking in his eyes.

Hearing that he said that he and An Qiaoran would go on a business trip to country A, grandma became agitated, as if she didn't want An Qiaoran.

Lu Yuchen couldn't think of an answer, so he walked in with the child in his arms.


Early the next morning, Lu Yuchen, Ah Heng, Na De and a group of bodyguards set off for Country A.

Because it was Yun Lao who robbed Yun Xiao and Lu Feng, and took An Qiaoran away, after Lu Yuchen arrived in Country A, he contacted Yun Mo and went to the villa he bought for An Qiaoran in Country A.

It's only seven o'clock, Yun Mo hasn't gone to the office yet, the two are on the second floor, Lan Yan buttoned Yun Mo's suit.

Just after buttoning, before Yun Mo kissed Lan Yan, there was a knock on the bedroom door.

"Sir, there will be many people outside, saying they want to see you." The maid's voice sounded outside.

Hearing this, Yun Mo pursed his lips, then looked at Lan Yan in front of him, "I'll go and have a look first."

"Let's go together! It just so happens that I haven't been to Sister Ran Ran for a long time."

As Lan Yan said, she pulled Yun Mo out of the bedroom and walked downstairs.

Lu Yuchen leaned lazily on the sofa, closed his eyes and meditated, even so, he still frowned tightly.Ah Heng and Na De stood behind one on the left and one on the right.

Seeing Lu Yuchen, Yun Mo quickened his pace, came to him, and called out, "Young Master Lu."

When Lu Yuchen heard the voice, he straightened his eyes, looked up at him, and sat up straight, "Yunxiao will arrive in country A tomorrow."

Hearing this, Yun Mo was a little shocked, sat down opposite Lu Yuchen, and asked suspiciously, "What's going on? Isn't Yunxiao hidden in that secret place by you? How could someone rob him?"

"This is what I find strange." Lu Yuchen also frowned.

It stands to reason that the abandoned factory is not easy to be discovered, how did Mr. Yun know?Also find the exact location.

Yun Xiao was rescued, Yun Mo's expression was a little bit bad, but seeing Lu Yuchen chasing here, he said, "Until now, Young Master Lu is still willing to help me, thank you so much."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen said disdainfully, "I don't have that kind of leisure, if it's just Yunxiao being robbed, I wouldn't care so much."

Lu Yuchen's words made Yun Mo even more puzzled, "What do you mean by saying that? Did you run away from other people?"

Lu Yuchen pursed his lips tightly and did not answer him.

However, seeing Yun Mo's face full of doubts, I'm afraid he hasn't guessed the process of the matter yet.

So, he glanced at Yun Mo and said, "The one who rescued Yun Xiao and Lu Feng was your father, and the one who captured An Qiaoran was also him."

Thinking of An Qiaoran, Lu Yuchen was very worried and extremely irritable.

The person who rescued Yunxiao was his father. Yunmo didn't have any surprised expression on his face, but he was even more puzzled when he heard that An Qiaoran was taken away.

"What's going on here? How could An Qiaoran be taken away by my father?"

(End of this chapter)

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