Chapter 724 Why?
The maid glanced out of the window and said, "Actually, Madam ordered you to be tied up here."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran's eyes widened in disbelief, "How could it be? Madame is very kind to me!"

Mrs. Qiao was talking and laughing with her last time, so it's impossible to tie her up?The reason?
"Is it good? I can't see it." The maid said, looking at An Qiaoran, "In short, she was the one who tied you up. As for the reason, I'm not very clear."

After hearing a series of words from the maid, An Qiaoran was so shocked that she didn't know what to say.

After all the calculations, I didn't expect that Mrs. Qiao did it. Why did she do this?Last time at Qiao's house, she was very friendly to her, not like this.

Could it be that she pretended everything?But she asked her to help her find her daughter. If she didn't trust her, why did she ask her?Thinking about it, An Qiaoran became more and more confused.

"Mrs. Lu, I know Young Master Lu's strength, he will definitely find you." The maid looked at her and said.

An Qiaoran was in a daze for a moment, and then slowly digested the fact that Mrs. Qiao had tied her up, and looked at the maid, "Okay, tell me your conditions!"

"I want you to take me in, let me stay by your side and be your bodyguard." The maid said expectantly, but An Qiaoran was stunned.

"You...that's the condition?" Let her be her bodyguard?She can also fight?This condition... She seems to be at a disadvantage.

"Yeah." The maid nodded.

"Why?" An Qiaoran didn't understand, why did she stoop to be her bodyguard?

The maid was stunned for a moment, then looked at An Qiaoran, "Sorry, Mrs. Lu, I can't tell you, but I have my reasons."

Hearing what she said, An Qiaoran couldn't say anything more, so she nodded, "Alright then! Follow me after I go out!"

"Thank you ma'am." The maid bowed her head in thanks.

"However, after so many days, Lu Yuchen still hasn't found this place. Did he really encounter difficulties?"

An Qiaoran was thinking, looked at the maid, and said expectantly, "Can you call him for me? Tell him I'm here?"

An Qiaoran's words made the maid embarrassed, "Ma'am... I may not be able to help you with this favor. Although I hate Madam, but... I can't betray her."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran didn't understand, "Why? Didn't you follow me after you went out? Why did you say you wouldn't betray Mrs. Qiao?"

Why is this maid so contradictory?

"It's two different things." The maid said in embarrassment, "Ma'am, you will understand the matter between me and my wife in the future. The reason why I told you is to let her turn the wind to me and let her notice Me, but if you want me to betray her, I will never."

After the maid finished speaking, she bowed to her, "I'm sorry, ma'am."

Although An Qiaoran didn't understand what the maid was saying or doing, seeing her in such a difficult situation, what else could An Qiaoran say?

"Forget it, since you are like this, I won't force you."

"Thank you, madam." The maid said, "Don't worry, madam. Madam just wants to ground you here and not allow you to go out. She doesn't mean to hurt you. You don't have to worry at all."


An Qiaoran didn't speak, and didn't want to ask "why" anymore, because it was useless.

"And my wife, the master has already gone to find Young Master Lu. I believe you will be free soon."

"Does Joe know about this?" An Qiaoran asked.

Could it be that even he agrees with his wife's wrongdoing?Is it true that a family does not enter a house?

"Master doesn't know about this matter." The maid said, "But Madam was a little sad when I heard that Master went to find Young Master Lu. It is said that it seems to be because of you. I don't know the specific situation."

(End of this chapter)

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