Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 733 The pendant on the neck must be given to her...

Chapter 733 The pendant on the neck must be given to her...


Since reaching an agreement with An Qiaoran and that maid that day, every time the maid came to deliver meals, I would chat with her for a long time.

Finally, there was a familiar knock on the door, An Qiaoran got up from the bed and opened the door.

She froze when she saw the person standing outside the door.

Standing outside the door was a... woman in a black overcoat. The woman's face was covered with a mask and a bamboo hat was on her head. It could be seen that she deliberately hid her face, and it was very deep.

"You are……"

Just as An Qiaoran was about to ask who she was, the maid who was carrying the food behind her hurried in and said, "This is your meal."

When he walked to An Qiaoran's side, he whispered, "It's enough to know it well, don't tell the truth, or I will be exposed."

The maid spoke quickly, An Qiaoran couldn't hear clearly, but she understood the gist.

An Qiaoran watched this secretive woman walk in, and stood down in front of her. The woman was not very tall, and she didn't have any sense of imposing standing in front of her.

"Are you the one who kidnapped me here?" An Qiaoran asked looking at the person in front of her.

"Yes." It was a simple word, and the voice was clear and clear.

Hearing this voice, An Qiaoran finally understood what the maid's phrase "just know it well" meant.

Because this woman is the voice, the voice of Mrs. Joe.

So is this maid telling her not to reveal her identity?Because she didn't know that the maid had confessed her.

"Then what are you doing here?" An Qiaoran looked at her and asked.

After so many days, there are maids and bodyguards guarding her, but there is no sign of her. Why is she here now?There must be something.

Mrs. Qiao heard the words and glanced at the maid.

The maid understood, subconsciously glanced at An Qiaoran, turned and left.

Mrs. Qiao sat down on the stool and looked up at An Qiaoran, "If I say I'm here to let you go, would you believe me?"

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was stunned, "Should I believe you?"

An Qiaoran didn't answer, but asked rhetorically.

She really didn't know whether she should trust Mrs. Qiao.

How could he let her go if he had planned to tie her here?
"You should believe me." Mrs. Qiao said, "After all, I have invited you here for so many days, and I haven't treated you badly, have I?"

"Just say what you want to say, there is no need to talk so much nonsense."

At the beginning, An Qiaoran was very sympathetic to Mrs. Qiao, but she didn't expect that she would use such a despicable method to trap her here, so now she only hates her, nothing else.

"Okay! I can tell you clearly that I'm here to let you go."

"And then?" What about the conditions?She doesn't believe she has no conditions.


"The pendant on your neck, you have to give it to me."


An Qiaoran didn't understand, why did Mrs. Qiao want her pendant?
"You don't need to know, you just need to give it to me." Mrs. Qiao said forcefully, as if she could not refuse.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran subconsciously held the pendant around her neck and looked at her firmly, "This pendant cannot be given to you!"

"Why? Don't you want to go out and regain your freedom?" Madam Qiao asked inexplicably.

"Of course I want to go out, but this pendant is all my hope, and I will never give it to you."

This pendant is about her biological father, which she won't give her.

But then again, what does she want her pendant for?What's the use?
(End of this chapter)

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