Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 753 The Mystery of Her Life Experience

Chapter 753 The Mystery of Her Life Experience
Lu Yuchen's expression didn't change much because of An Qiaoran's question, he just looked at the pendant on her neck and slowly stretched out his hand.

"Lu Yuchen..."

Seeing him stretching out his hand, An Qiaoran subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but her body was tense and she didn't know what he was going to do.

Lu Yuchen's big palm finally landed on her neck, and took out the pendant from inside her dress.

An Qiaoran looked at all this, feeling a little dazed.

"Show me." Lu Yuchen's hoarse voice sounded.

An Qiaoran was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he wanted to see her pendant.

So, An Qiaoran reached out and took off the pendant. Lu Yuchen held it in his hand and looked at it with deep eyes.

An Qiaoran didn't speak, just sat by and looked at his solemn expression, unable to say anything.

Lu Yuchen stared at the pendant carefully for a long time, and finally said slowly, "This pendant really belongs to your father?"

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was stunned for a second, as if she didn't expect him to ask this suddenly, but she still replied, "Mother said it was related to my father, but I don't think it must be my father's."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen was silent for two seconds, and then asked, "Then do you miss your father?"

Hearing this word, An Qiaoran felt a little ridiculous, and shook his head, "Why would I miss him? Even though I don't know who he is, I know that he is a heartless and heartless man!"

After An Qiaoran finished speaking, Lu Yuchen remained silent for a few seconds, staring at the pendant and checking repeatedly, finally, he still saw something, but he didn't say anything.

"There might be something about this pendant." Lu Yuchen said, looking at An Qiaoran, "After Mrs. Qiao made such a fuss, you didn't think of anything? What do you suspect?"

When An Qiaoran told him everything, he already felt that something was wrong. After seeing the pendant, he seemed to understand something.

An Qiaoran heard the words, but had no idea.

"I just think Mrs. Qiao is weird. What could be suspicious? I just don't have any contact with Qiao's family."

Anyway, this is what she promised Mrs. Joe.

"If you don't get in touch with the Qiao family, then you will never be able to figure things out." Lu Yuchen said, hanging the pendant around An Qiaoran's neck.

"You take good care of this pendant and don't lose or damage it. This is related to your life experience."

Regarding her life experience...

An Qiaoran was startled when he heard this, but he had no extra thoughts.

If the mystery of her life experience is solved, she has not yet figured out how to face that... father whom she has never met.

Lu Yuchen saw that she was silent, so he didn't say much, just got up and sat behind the desk, flipping through the documents.

However, after looking at it for a few seconds, he closed it distractedly, and looked up at An Qiaoran thoughtfully.

Just then, there was a knock on the office door.

"Come in." Lu Yuchen said irritably.

The door was pushed open, and An Yi walked in.

Lu Yuchen focused on An Qiaoran and didn't notice him.

An Yi walked to the middle of the office, glanced at An Qiaoran on the sofa, then looked at Lu Yuchen, and said, "Young Master Lu."

Lu Yuchen raised his eyes and glanced at him, "What's the matter?"

Hearing An Yi's voice, An Qiaoran looked at him, and saw that he was talking to Lu Yuchen, so he didn't speak.

"Isn't it lunch break now? I saw Ran Ran coming here, so I wanted to have a private talk with her. I don't know you..."

It turned out that they were here to find An Qiaoran...

Just as Lu Yuchen was about to refuse, An Qiaoran stood up, "Okay! Where are we going, let's go! Lu Yuchen, take care of Jiayi, I'll go out for a while."

An Qiaoran finished speaking in one go, and left the office before An Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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