Chapter 755 Do you have any opinions?
An Qiaoran watched this scene, and walked in helplessly.

"Now you know that taking care of children is actually a very hard work, don't you?"

An Qiaoran glanced at Lu Yuchen, then picked up the baby, and began to coax him. If the baby didn't stop crying, he must be hungry.

Fortunately, grandma let her bring a feeding bottle, mainly because it is inconvenient to breastfeed outside.

An Qiaoran took the baby bottle from the stroller and let the baby suck it.

The baby sucked, the crying finally stopped, and he gulped down the milk.

Seeing that An Qiaoran made the child stop crying so easily, Lu Yuchen felt a little unbalanced.

Noticing the look in his eyes, An Qiaoran said helplessly, "In the future, if the child cries, I will give her the bottle. If she is hungry, then she will stop crying."

"Then what if you're not hungry?" Lu Yuchen asked completely innocently.

"No matter what the reason for crying, as long as there is a feeding bottle, she won't cry." An Qiaoran expanded the scope of this, and now he should understand.

"Then who does she dislike?" Lu Yuchen asked again.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was extremely ashamed, "That's impossible, okay?"

The child is so young, how can he dislike anyone?I'm afraid he was talking about himself, right?

An Qiaoran thought about it, and put her eyes on him. It's okay not to look at him, but when she looked, she found that Lu Yuchen was looking at her with a displeased face, which sent a chill down her spine.

"Who do you dislike? Is it me?" An Qiaoran asked.

Dare to feel that he was referring to Sang and scolding Huai just now, and he meant something!

"What do you think?" Lu Yuchen glanced at her dissatisfied.


"What did you talk to that kid just now? Running so fast? So anxious?" Lu Yuchen was very upset when he thought about the scene where she hurriedly left a sentence and ran out.

An Qiaoran was a little stunned by Lu Yuchen's question.

Naturally, she wouldn't tell him that she ran out because of the detective's call, and she couldn't let him know that she was looking for Chen Lanyu behind her back.

Thinking about how to answer him.

"I didn't run that fast! I'm just... afraid that you won't agree!" An Qiaoran gave Lu Yuchen the most sincere smile.

It's a pity that Lu Yuchen didn't buy it.

"Retell everything you said to him, and then I will consider how to punish you."

"Ah? Is it okay not to punish?" An Qiaoran had a pitiful look on his face.

"What? Are you calling yourself?" Before he said anything, he knew that he was going to be punished, and started begging for mercy?Lu Yuchen's sharp gaze left An Qiaoran nowhere to hide.

"You are really jealous." An Qiaoran said with great contempt, "He is my cousin, what else can we talk about?"

He is jealous?When Lu Yuchen heard this, he was afraid that he would die of anger.

Before he could speak, An Qiaoran continued, "He just said that he asked you to help Xiaoxi with her studies, and also invited us to dinner on Xiaoxi's birthday. What do you really think he was talking about?"

An Qiaoran said, and carried the baby to the French window, looking at the raindrops falling outside the window, feeling very good.

After listening to her story, Lu Yuchen suddenly felt very unnatural.A misunderstanding made him embarrassed.

"Then you agreed?" Lu Yuchen walked behind her and asked in a very uncomfortable tone.

"I definitely agreed, it's not a big deal." An Qiaoran said, turning his eyes to look at him, "These things are easy for you, so I agreed for you, do you have any objections? "

"No." This was almost subconsciously blurted out by Lu Yuchen, without going through the brain.

Whenever he looked at An Qiaoran, he would subconsciously agree to it all.

(End of this chapter)

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