Chapter 762 Don't cry

The story was over, and it was over. An Qiaoran had heard enough, and there was no superfluous expression other than coldness and hatred.

"It's a perfect story, completely clearing away all your guilt." An Qiaoran stood up from the chair, left this sentence, and was about to leave.

"Ran Ran!" Seeing that she was about to leave, Qiao Ze quickly stood up, took her hand, looked at her side face, and asked in pain, "After listening to this, don't you feel indifferent?"

"Indifferent?" An Qiaoran asked back when he heard the words, and then turned to look at him, "How can you be indifferent? I'm not you. Someone else gave birth to your child, and you still want to marry another woman. So innocent."

"Mr. Qiao, I really want to know whether you are studying business or acting. Your acting skills are worthy of being an actor."

After An Qiaoran finished speaking sarcastically, he broke free from his hand and left.

Qiao Ze lost his mind for a second, followed closely, "Ran Ran, what I said is the truth, there is no false word, you have to believe me."

"My belief is useless, and it's useless to give it to you."

An Qiaoran quickened her pace, and soon came to the front of the car, reaching out to open the door, but Qiao Ze blocked her.

"I should go home." An Qiaoran said coldly.

"Ran Ran, you haven't said clearly yet, you misunderstood me deeply. I admit that I have failed you all these years, but Ran Ran, you must believe me, I have difficulties."

Qiao Ze spoke earnestly, hoping that An Qiaoran could listen to his explanation with peace of mind.

"Whether you have any difficulties or not has nothing to do with me!" An Qiaoran said angrily, "Mr. Qiao, don't make it sound like I know you very well. I have nothing to do with you. Please get out of the way." !"

An Qiaoran's cold and heartless words made Qiao Ze lose his mind for a moment, "Ran you...don't recognize me? don't believe what I said?"

"Why should I recognize you?" An Qiaoran asked back, "I only know that you are Mr. Qiao, I really don't know anything else."

After An Qiaoran finished speaking, he seemed to have lost his patience and reached out to open the door.

Qiao Ze grabbed her hand again, his eyes were full of pain, "Ran Ran...I am your father, why do you..."

"I don't have a father!" An Qiaoran tried hard to control his anger, not letting his temper burst out, took a deep breath, and looked at him calmly.

"Listen well, from beginning to end, I, An Qiaoran, have only one mother, and I have no father."


"When I needed my father the most, you didn't show up. Now I don't need it anymore. You showed up, but there is no need for you."

An Qiaoran said, looked up at him, and said word by word, "I'm angry, angry, and you can't calm down with a few words. Listen, my mother is gone, and everything is thanks to you." , want to get my forgiveness, unless you give me a living mother, otherwise, don't come to me again."

After An Qiaoran finished speaking, regardless of his reaction, he pushed him over, opened the car door, got in the car, and told the driver, "Drive!"

The car turned around on the spot and quickly left the restaurant.

An Qiaoran saw Qiao Ze standing there from the rearview mirror, and she closed the window without hesitation in just a second, staring straight ahead without focus.

From the second she got into the car, Lu Yuchen's eyes kept falling on her, looking at her red eye circles, he felt uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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