Chapter 764 Love Comes First
What does "more" mean in his mouth?
Lu Yuchen raised her chin with his hand, and looked at her seriously, "I said before, it's enough for you to have me, and my position in your heart must be number one!"

Hearing this, An Qiaoran frowned, "How can I do that?"

"Why not?" Lu Yuchen asked dissatisfied.

Seeing this, An Qiaoran was very helpless, "Okay! You are the first in love, and she is the first in family affection, okay?"

Love and family affection are indispensable to everyone, and both are very important in her heart, without one of them, she can't live.

"Just barely."

For the sake of being number one, he reluctantly accepted this answer.

An Qiaoran looked at his face of reluctance, and shook his head helplessly.

Lu Yuchen has been watching her expression all the time, seeing the corners of her mouth curled up, her thin lips parted slightly, "You feel much better?"

An Qiaoran was a little stunned when he heard this, and then realized what he said, his eyes dimmed, but he didn't answer.

Seeing her like this, Lu Yuchen covered his eyes, glanced at the driver in front, "pull over."

The driver obediently parked the car on the side of the road. Lu Yuchen glanced at An Qiaoran, then opened the door, got out of the car, and opened the driver's door. The driver looked bewildered.

"Get out of the car!" Lu Yuchen said.

Although the driver was puzzled, he didn't dare to say anything. He unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car.

Lu Yuchen got into the car, sat in the driver's seat, put on his seat belt, started the car, and drove away, leaving the driver standing on the side of the road with a dazed face.

In the car, An Qiaoran saw Lu Yuchen driving the car in an unknown direction, and asked, "Where are you going?"

His direction is not the direction to go home.

"You'll know when you get there." Lu Yuchen glanced at her in the rearview mirror, then looked ahead and accelerated the car.

After driving for a long time, Lu Yuchen had already left the city and went to Zhongshan, that is, the place where they met when they were young.

Lu Yuchen parked the car under the big tree, An Qiaoran got out of the car, looked around, looked at the painting on the stone under the tree, she didn't understand why Lu Yuchen brought her here.

Lu Yuchen came to her side, reached out to hold her hand, and led her down the mountain.

After passing a store, Lu Yuchen went in and bought a lot of things, including some snacks and refreshments, as well as drinks.

"Where are you going? Are you still buying so many things?"

She remembered that Lu Yuchen never ate these snacks, how did he buy these things?
Moreover, although he has been to this place several times, he has never brought her here. Looking at him like this, it seems that he is going somewhere and meeting someone.

Lu Yuchen didn't answer her, but just carried snacks in one hand and led him in the other, and walked down the mountain.

After going down the mountain road and halfway up the mountain, Lu Yuchen stopped.

An Qiaoran looked at the building in front of him, and the sign next to it said - Zhongshan Welfare Institute.


Could it be that Lu Yuchen came to see these children?So I bought so many things.

She didn't know that there was an orphanage in this mountain, how did Lu Yuchen find it?
"Go in!" Lu Yuchen glanced at her and said.


An Qiaoran nodded, and walked into the gate of the orphanage with him.

As soon as the two of them entered, the children who were swinging in the yard ran over and stood in front of them, their childish voices rang out.

"Hello, uncle and aunt!"

(End of this chapter)

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