Chapter 770 Car Accident...

The pouring rain covered the entire city, and the black car was driving on the city road at such a high speed that the water on the road was turned into ripples.

Already speeding.

"Ran Ran, drive slowly." Qiao Ze looked worried at her driving speed.

An Qiaoran didn't speak, but just stared straight ahead, and there was no emotion in his eyes except stubbornness.

Seeing her like this, Qiao Ze was very helpless. It was raining so hard that the wipers couldn't finish cleaning, and he couldn't see the road clearly. How could she drive so fast?

"Ran Ran, I can't speed up anymore, the road is slippery and there are a lot of cars..."

It was raining so hard and there was still so much water on the road. Not only did she not slow down, but she even accelerated. If this continues, something will happen.

Although he tried hard to speak, An Qiaoran still didn't respond. He held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, and his eyes were fixed on the front without blinking.

There is only one thought in her mind now, which is to hurry up and get to the cemetery, before the water gets deep.

Thinking about it, her heart skipped a beat, she stomped her foot hard, and accelerated her speed again.

"Ran Ran, I really can't go any faster!" Qiao Ze almost had a heart attack because of An Qiaoran's appearance.

An Qiaoran pursed her lips tightly, staring straight ahead, without any intention of slowing down.

At an intersection, where there were far fewer cars, An Qiaoran increased his code and rushed over.

But unexpectedly... When she was speeding up, a truck suddenly ran over from the right, and An Qiaoran had no time to react.

The opponent's speed also seemed to be exceeding the speed limit. Looking at the truck rushing straight up, An Qiaoran's blood froze and his body froze there.


Qiao Ze yelled, and rushed over quickly, protecting An Qiaoran tightly.

There was a loud "bang".

Accompanied by the sound of broken glass and various sounds, the black car was directly knocked over by the truck, and the body was broken and incomplete.

The heavy rain was still falling, and the traffic used was blocked because of this huge car accident.

Many people gathered at the scene of the car accident, and soon someone called the police...

The scene was chaotic, and at the IE headquarters at this time, Lu Yuchen was still typing on the keyboard intently, but the door of the office was pushed open, and a panicked Ah Heng rushed in.

"Mr. Lu, it's bad! News came from Bieyuan that Mrs. Qiao and Mrs. Qiao had a car accident and are now in the city hospital for emergency treatment. They are in critical condition."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen's face changed drastically, his heart tightened, and he stood up quickly, "What?"

Before Ah Heng could react, Lu Yuchen had already rushed out of the office, and soon disappeared.


In the corridor of the hospital, grandma Nade and a series of bodyguards were waiting outside the operating room. When Lu Yuchen came in, he saw such a heart-pounding scene.

"Where's An Qiaoran?" Lu Yuchen looked at Nade, his voice was extremely low, and every pore on his body was full of tension.

" don't have to worry." Nade looked at Lu Yuchen's flustered look at this moment, a little at a loss.

"How could I not be worried!" Lu Yuchen roared, "Tell me how she is? Will she die? Will she die?"


Lu Yuchen looked a hundred times more nervous and worried than when An Qiaoran gave birth prematurely last time.

He felt without hesitation that if something happened to his wife, the young master would definitely feel worse than death!
"Speak up!" Seeing that he was silent, Lu Yuchen growled impatiently, so flustered that he no longer knew what he was talking about.

(End of this chapter)

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