Chapter 772 I've tried my best...

And when Nade was about to step forward to inquire about the situation, a woman rushed over from the corridor, grabbed the doctor's collar and asked, "How is he?"

The woman who came over suddenly caught the doctor and the hands present a little unprepared, and they didn't react for a while.

"Tell me, what's the matter with him? Talk!" Seeing that the doctor didn't speak, the woman became even more flustered.

Due to her agitation, the woman's hands were so strong that the doctor was almost pinched by her and couldn't speak at all.

Seeing this, the people at the side hurried forward and pulled her away, "Mrs. Qiao, calm down and listen to the doctor."

Ah Heng held Mrs. Qiao tightly, trying to persuade her.

Mrs. Qiao was not so emotional after hearing what she said. She just looked at the doctor and asked with red eyes, "How is he? Will he die?"

After all, the doctor has seen the world. Seeing Mrs. Qiao being so excited, he expressed his understanding and said with a deep sigh.

"Due to the severe car accident, the patient's legs were severely injured." The doctor said, paused, and then continued, "I'm sorry, we have tried our best."

The doctor's words of 'I did my best' shocked and disappointed everyone present.

Especially Mrs. Qiao, when she heard these three words, she collapsed immediately, her body went limp, and she almost fell to the ground, her eyes were full of sadness, mixed with unbelievable emotions.

She shook her head desperately, tears fell, and looked at the doctor, "What do you mean you have tried your best? If the patient is not recovering, you have not tried your best."

As Mrs. Qiao was speaking, she suddenly got the strength she didn't know where it came from, and she stepped forward and tightly grasped the doctor's hand, with tears in her eyes.

"Doctor, I beg you, you must save him, use the best medicine, and heal his leg. As long as you can heal his leg, I will give it to you no matter how much it is."

"It's not about the money, ma'am, it's that there's really nothing we can do, he's going to lose feeling in his legs due to the severity of the trauma."

The doctor said regretfully, then took Mrs. Qiao's hand away, then glanced at the people present, left a sentence of "sorry", and then walked away.

With a sound of leaving, Qiao Ze was also pushed out by the nurse, and Mrs. Qiao immediately went up to look at Qiao Ze.

Seeing Qiao Ze in a coma, Mrs. Qiao couldn't help but shed tears.


Because Lu Yuchen had the nurse manipulate her feet, An Qiaoran fell into a coma for three days. When she woke up again, the sky outside was already clear.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Lu Yuchen, her head was a little groggy due to sleeping for a long time.

Lu Yuchen has been guarding her bedside for the past three days. Seeing her wake up, he quickly reached out to hold her hand, "Are you awake?"

An Qiaoran looked around and asked suspiciously, "Is this a hospital?"

"En." Lu Yuchen responded, bent down to help her up, and sat on the bed.

An Qiaoran stretched out his hand to press his temple, recalling what happened on the day of the car accident, and then his face suddenly changed.

"What's wrong?" Lu Yuchen couldn't help but worry because of her sudden face change.

"Where's Qiao Ze?" An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen and asked nervously, his eyes full of worry.

Hearing her ask this, Lu Yuchen's complexion was not very good, he pursed his thin lips tightly, and did not intend to answer.

He picked up a glass of water from the bedside table and handed it to her mouth, "You have been in a coma for three days, come, drink some water first."

Lu Yuchen had already brought the water glass to her mouth, but An Qiaoran had no intention of drinking it at all. She stared straight at him, only wanting to hear his answer.

(End of this chapter)

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