Chapter 789 Turns out to be a man! ! !
After listening to her acting like a baby, Lu Yuchen couldn't take it anymore, and his body softened a lot unconsciously.

He looked at her lips that were close at hand, and wanted to lower his head to kiss them. When he thought that every time he was angry, she would solve it by acting like a baby, he felt very uncomfortable.

After all, he was real, and there was nothing he could do about her acting like a baby, but he always used this as an excuse to get his forgiveness.

It was as if he was completely controlled by her. That feeling was really bad.

After thinking about it this way, he completely dismissed the idea, turned over and lay on the side.

An Qiaoran originally thought that he would compromise after she acted like a baby, but unexpectedly, he lay on the side and fell asleep?What kind of development is this?Is this Lu Yuchen a fake?

An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen who was lying beside her, and was stunned for a second before realizing that he meant being upset.

Seeing her acting like a spoiled child made him unhappy?Thinking about it, An Qiaoran didn't say much, and just lay down on the pillow to sleep.

Lu Yuchen who was lying on the bed originally thought that An Qiaoran would continue to act like a baby after seeing that he hadn't compromised, but she didn't expect that she fell directly on the bed and fell asleep, which made his already dissatisfied heart even more unhappy.

"An Qiaoran, get up!" Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran sideways, dissatisfied.


What responded to him was An Qiaoran's silence.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Lu Yuchen became even angrier, "It's reasonable for you to chat with other men, isn't it?"

"I do not have."

An Qiaoran closed his eyes and said.

"I saw it, and you still don't admit it?" Lu Yuchen said very annoyed.

"Didn't I apologize?" Seeing that he refused to give up, An Qiaoran opened his eyes and looked at him helplessly.

"I don't accept your apology, and what I need is not an apology." Lu Yuchen said expressionlessly.

"Then what do you need?"

Everyone has been blocked and deleted by him, what else does he want to do?She's acted like a baby too, it's useless to him, there's nothing she can do.

"You." Lu Yuchen looked at her, and uttered a word very clearly.

Hearing what he said, An Qiaoran was a little confused, but looking at his eyes, he could know what was going on in his mind even with his eyes closed.

To this, An Qiaoran only responded with "Oh", and then went to sleep with her eyes closed.

Seeing her ignoring him, Lu Yuchen was very angry. Looking at her pink lips, he kissed her directly, and kissed her hard, which was regarded as punishment for her.

An Qiaoran was startled by his sudden kiss, but he didn't care and let him go.


An Qiaoran, as the interviewer of this new hospital, soon began to formally integrate into the work of the hospital.

Because the announcement was made in the group, many interested students went to the hospital for an interview.

In fact, An Qiaoran's popularity in the original medical school was not very good, and he couldn't get along with his classmates.Because of the announcement she made, many students who are not very familiar with her have already come.

In the doctor's office on the top floor, An Qiaoran sat behind the desk, looked at the resumes of those old classmates, and then passed the classmate with better medical skills to come in, chatted a few words, and then passed.

Anyway, Lu Yuchen only had two requirements for joining this hospital, one is that the doctor can't kill people, and the other is that men are not allowed.

Although it was passed, other people still had to decide on the subsequent work assignments, and An Qiaoran couldn't decide.

Because the conditions were simple, more than a dozen people were passed at once, all of them were An Qiaoran's classmates, and some were introduced by others. Regarding the medical skills of these people, An Qiaoran still gave a brief report, and turned back to Lu Yuchen. Take a look, to facilitate his work.

An Qiaoran looked at the report form in his hand, and the next interviewer knocked on the door and walked in.

An Qiaoran looked up, and it turned out to be a man! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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