Chapter 794 I Believe In You
An Qiaoran kept her head down all the time, shaking her head in a trance, she pulled back the hand held by Lu Yuchen in fear, and then hugged herself tightly.

Lu Yuchen looked at her like this, as if she was only afraid of the outside world. What did she go through just now?How did it suddenly become like this?
I don't know what he thought of, he turned his eyes suddenly, looked at the people watching, and slowly stood up.

His fierce eyes scanned everyone present, and a cold and merciless voice sounded, "What did you all do to her? Ah?"

Lu Yuchen stood there, with a cold aura all over his body, exuding hostility, and his extremely terrifying eyes made everyone present shudder.

"Lu...Young Master Lu...we didn't do anything!" A man said to Lu Yuchen anxiously.

Lu Yuchen's eyes instantly fell on him, his eyes were cold and heartless, his voice was low and terrifying, "Didn't do anything? Then how did she become like this?"

After Lu Yuchen's yelling, the man became even more frightened, and said tremblingly, "We didn't do anything, it's just that she... was dating another man here and was caught by that man's wife, we thought she was yours Ma'am, I did something that I'm sorry for you, and I'm just apologizing for you... We really didn't do anything to her. "

dating another man...

Hearing these words, Lu Yuchen's whole body froze, looking at An Qiaoran who was crouching on the ground panicked and frightened, his eyes dimmed.

He stood there staring at An Qiaoran for a moment, his mind was filled with the words that she was dating another man, which stimulated his nerves every moment.

He looked at An Qiaoran who was crouching on the ground and hugged him with both hands, and his eyes fell on her helpless and frightened face, feeling a little pain in his heart.

I don't know how long he stood there watching, so long that everyone thought that Lu Yuchen would turn around and leave An Qiaoran alone, but they found that Lu Yuchen had already squatted down beside An Qiaoran.

Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran, stretched out his hand to caress her face, his movements were extremely gentle, and his voice was very soft, so as not to scare her, "An Qiaoran, it's me, look up at me, I'm Lu Yuchen."

Lu Yuchen...

Hearing this name, An Qiaoran seemed to have a slight reaction, and she seemed less afraid of Lu Yuchen's move.

She was dazed, and slowly raised her head to look at Lu Yuchen. When she saw Lu Yuchen's face, she suddenly became very excited.

"Lu that you? I'm not dreaming, are you really here?"

Seeing her talking, Lu Yuchen quickly squeezed her cold hand, and said softly, "It's me, I'm here, don't be afraid."

"Lu Yuchen..."

Hearing what Lu Yuchen said, An Qiaoran's voice became hoarse, and tears flowed freely.

The next second, she pulled out her arms and hugged him, and explained nervously, "Lu Yuchen, I didn't hook up with other men, I'm not a slut, I'm not, I didn't apologize to you, I just ate with him Come on, you trust me, you must trust me."

Listening to An Qiaoran's explanation, Lu Yuchen's eyes were extremely dim and his expression was complicated, but he still reached out and patted her on the back, "I believe in you, don't say anything, don't be afraid, I'm here."

"You must trust me." An Qiaoran said again worriedly.

"I believe you. I believe you in everything you say." Lu Yuchen said, let go of her, and looked at her red eyes and tears on her face, feeling extremely distressed.

Reaching out to wipe away her tears, she said magnetically, "Don't cry, let's go, let's go home."

(End of this chapter)

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