Chapter 798

Grandma was taken aback when she heard this, and then said with a smile, "Ran Ran! How old are you? Are you still playing hide-and-seek?"

"I want to play, it's fun!" An Qiaoran grabbed grandma's hand and acted coquettishly.

Looking at An Qiaoran like this, grandma couldn't help but wonder, "Ran Ran, what's wrong with you? Why do you speak so strangely?"

Although grandma asked An Qiaoran, she looked at Lu Yuchen, hoping he would answer.

Lu Yuchen himself didn't know what happened, so naturally he didn't know how to answer, so he could only look at Nade, "Check it out for her."

"Yes, sir."

As Nade said, he stepped forward to examine An Qiaoran. Just as his hand was about to touch An Qiaoran, An Qiaoran suddenly hid behind his grandmother in a panic, "Grandma, I don't want an injection, let me go quickly." he is gone."

Seeing An Qiaoran's frightened expression made Lu Yuchen feel very strange. Looking at An Qiaoran's flustered eyes, his brows were frowned, thoughtfully.

On the contrary, grandma was even more puzzled, "Yuchen, tell me, what's wrong with Ran Ran? Why is she acting like a child."

As the grandmother who loves An Qiaoran the most, seeing An Qiaoran become like this, grandma is naturally very worried.

Lu Yuchen stood there staring at An Qiaoran, and found that An Qiaoran was avoiding his gaze, as if he was afraid of him.

Her appearance completely aroused Lu Yuchen's suspicion.

She was still clinging to him just now, but now she is afraid of him again. Moreover, she is also very afraid of Nade's examination. Nade is an all-round doctor, and she knows that there is only one possibility to be afraid of Nade's examination...

Thinking about it, Lu Yuchen's eyes suddenly became a little dark, and he handed the bowl to Nade, and said something in Nade's ear inadvertently.

Although Nade was puzzled, he still nodded clearly, took the bowl and turned to leave.

An Qiaoran, who was hiding behind her grandmother, looked at Nade who was going upstairs, and bit her lower lip.

And all of this was seen in Lu Yuchen's eyes, which made him more determined.

"Yuchen, I'm asking you something! What happened?" Grandma was already very nervous and eager to know the answer.

Lu Yuchen's eyes were missing because he was observing An Qiaoran. Hearing what grandma said, he looked at her and said, "Go and rest first! I'll take care of her."

"But you haven't told me..."

"You'll know in a while, you go down first!" Lu Yuchen still looked at An Qiaoran and said.

Grandma heard this and wanted to say something more, but she gave up and nodded, "Okay! Take good care of her."

After the skin finished speaking, he took the flowerpot and left.

An Qiaoran watched her grandmother leave, saw Lu Yuchen was looking at her, sat down on the sofa uncomfortably, and asked weakly, "Lu Yuchen, why are you staring at me all the time?"

An Qiaoran kept her head down, not daring to look at Lu Yuchen anymore.

And her behavior, in Lu Yuchen's eyes, has already regarded it as a guilty conscience.

After looking at her for a few seconds, he looked away, poured a cup of tea, took a sip, and said casually, "I asked Nade to bring his daughter over to play hide-and-seek with you."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was stunned for a second, then looked up at Lu Yuchen, "It's not fun for two people, you play with me too, okay?"

"Okay!" Lu Yuchen replied.

"Mom and Dad!" A childish voice suddenly sounded.

At this time, Nade had already led Xiao Jiayi and walked towards this side. When he saw Lu Yuchen and An Qiaoran, his face was full of smiles, and he ran over happily. Nade almost couldn't hold back, so he could only follow her Running in small steps, "Run slower."

(End of this chapter)

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