Chapter 800 I Still Think Too Much

After An Qiaoran finished explaining, she had no face to look at Lu Yuchen anymore, and lowered her head, waiting for the preparation to be approved by Lu Yuchen.

Listening to her explanation, Lu Yuchen's gloomy face didn't decrease much, but he didn't get angry either, but continued to ask.

"You eat, why do you want to be with him?"

An Qiaoran heard the words and knew that he cared a lot, so she said truthfully, "It's just that I met, it's just by the way...don't think too much about it."

"I didn't think much about it." Lu Yuchen looked at her and said, then stood up, looked at the nervousness in her eyes, and said, "You just said you didn't finish your meal, go to the kitchen!"

After speaking, Lu Yuchen turned around and headed towards the kitchen.

An Qiaoran looked at his back, and really didn't know whether he really didn't think much about it or... really cared.

"I want my mother to hug me!" Little Jiayi broke free from Nade's struggle, ran to An Qiaoran, and opened her hands happily.

An Qiaoran looked down at the smiling child, hugged her and stood up, "Shall we go have dinner?"

"Okay, it's time to eat." Xiao Jiayi clapped happily.

After An Qiaoran carried her into the kitchen, Lu Yuchen had already put down the bowl and chopsticks, and was wiping his mouth with a paper towel. It was obvious that he had finished eating.

so fast?

An Qiaoran thought about it, sat down beside him, put the child on his lap, and turned to look at Lu Yuchen, "Have you finished eating?"

This is less than 2 minutes!He eats so fast?
"Yeah." Lu Yuchen responded flatly, and then said, "Ah Heng called and said that the company has something to do, and I want to go there in person."

After speaking, Lu Yuchen stood up and turned to leave.

"It's so late, is there anything else?" An Qiaoran glanced at the big clock on the wall, and couldn't help asking.

It's already seven o'clock, it's already dark, what else should I do?Can't handle it at home?
Hearing this, Lu Yuchen's body froze, and instead of turning around, he said, "This is a very troublesome matter, it may take some time to deal with it, you don't have to wait for me."

After finishing speaking, Lu Yuchen left the kitchen straight away and walked towards the door.

"Bye, Dad!" The little guy in An Qiaoran's arms waved at Lu Yuchen's back, but Lu Yuchen didn't see it, and left quickly without seeing the figure.

An Qiaoran looked at the empty chair beside him, as if he was thinking about something, his eyes were dim and colorless.

It seems that he still thinks too much.

He has always been particularly sensitive to Sun Xu, and now that something like this has happened again, he will inevitably feel unbalanced.


Lu Yuchen drove away from the villa, but instead of going to the company, he drove around the city, not knowing where he was going.

When he thought of what An Qiaoran said about eating with Sun Xu and being photographed by the reporter, he felt very upset and upset!

The sound of braking was accompanied by a thunderclap in the air, and then, the pouring rain came down and slapped on the car windows.

The more Lu Yuchen thought about it, the more he felt bad. He took out his mobile phone and called Ah Heng.


At this time, on the other side of the campus, the female dormitory is downstairs.

A man was standing in the rain with a big black umbrella, holding a cup of milk tea in his hand, looking at An Qiaoli under the eaves in front of him, and An Qiaoran was also looking at him, their eyes met.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds before Ah Heng stepped forward, walked towards her, walked all the way to her, and handed her the milk tea in his hand, "This is the milk tea I bought for you."

An Qiaoli looked at the milk tea in his hand, hesitated for a moment, then reached out to take it, "Thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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