Chapter 830
An Qiaoran looked at the worry on Lu Yuchen's face, and smiled helplessly, "Don't worry, it doesn't hurt anymore."

"How can such an obvious scratch not hurt?" Lu Yuchen said in a low voice, reaching out and gently touching her cheek, moving carefully, for fear of hurting her. "Tell me, who did it?"

Lu Yuchen asked again and again, An Qiaoran really didn't know what to say, after thinking for a long time, she could only tell the truth.

"It's Sherina."

"Xie Linna?" Lu Yuchen repeated these three words, frowning tightly, "Who is she?"

How come he has no impression?
"Sun Xu's wife." An Qiaoran replied.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen knew about it, and his face was so dark that his wife surnamed Sun dared to scratch An Qiaoran's face?Impatient to live.

With a sullen face, Lu Yuchen took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call, but An Qiaoran snatched his mobile phone away.

"What are you doing?" Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran suspiciously.

"I know you can't be angry, but forget it, don't make any more trouble."

An Qiaoran knew that after telling him he would definitely ask Ah Heng to do something, but she didn't want to see that.

She felt that Xie Linna was actually quite pitiful.As a mother, she is very able to understand Xie Linna's pain of losing her son.

She should vent her madness.

"What do you mean forget it?" Lu Yuchen didn't like to hear An Qiaoran's words, "It's fine if your face is made like that by her?"

"Well, forget it." An Qiaoran said, reaching out to grab his arm, "That's it for this matter, Xie Linna has her own difficulties, so you can let her go!"

"I won't let her go." No matter what An Qiaoran said, Lu Yuchen was still angry.

"She made your face like this, I will make her pay it back ten times, and I will not let that person surnamed Sun go!"

Hearing this, An Qiaoran didn't understand for a moment, and subconsciously wanted to ask, "What does this have to do with Sun..." Xu?
But in the middle of the talk, An Qiaoran stopped it in time. If she mentioned Sun Xu at this time, Lu Yuchen didn't know how angry he would be!
After thinking about it, An Qiaoran just said, "My face is really fine, so stop making enemies for me."

"An Qiaoran, are you still promising? After being bullied like this, you still want to speak for her?"

Now Lu Yuchen said that she was worthless.

An Qiaoran had no choice but to say, "I'm not helping her, but I want to calm things down..."

After An Qiaoran finished speaking, Lu Yuchen's face became even darker.

An Qiaoran didn't dare to say any more, and directly compromised, "Okay, let's not talk about this matter, I have something to tell you."

Anyway, if we continue to talk about this matter, it will definitely be endless. She doesn't defend that Xie Linna too much, she just feels pitiful, and she can just say hello to Ah Heng later.

"Let's talk about it when we go back." Lu Yuchen said, reaching out to her, "Give me the phone."

"I'll give it to you when I get back." An Qiaoran said.

Lu Yuchen: "..."

Lu Yuchen didn't speak, just opened the co-pilot's door, looked at An Qiaoran, "Get in the car."

An Qiaoran looked at him and blinked, but didn't get in the car.

"What are you doing in a daze?" Lu Yuchen asked.

An Qiaoran walked to Ke Sheng's side, then looked at Lu Yuchen, and said, "Ke Sheng helped me a lot today, I want to invite him to dinner."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen glanced at Ke Sheng who was next to An Qiaoran, then looked at An Qiaoran who was only one millimeter away from Ke Sheng, and frowned, "Why is he helping you so much? Stay away from him and keep a distance of one meter." distance."

(End of this chapter)

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