Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 832 I fell in love with him because I was moved

Chapter 832 I fell in love with him because I was moved
"There is someone she likes, but...she doesn't like me very much." Ke Sheng thought for a while, then spoke dimly, with a feeling of sadness exuding between his brows.

"Then you have to work hard." An Qiaoran said, "Women are meant to be coaxed. To make her fall in love with you, you have to treat her well and move her."

"Yeah! I'm just trying to move her, but it seems... She has someone else in her heart."

Ke Sheng said, and shook his head with a wry smile, falling into sadness.

Hearing what he said, An Qiaoran couldn't help being taken aback, "Does she like someone?"

Ke Sheng nodded.

"Then you have to work harder to fight for it." An Qiaoran said, "Of course, if the two of them are what you want, then you have to consider letting go."

In her opinion, it was herself who intervened in the relationship between the two of them, and who was hurt in the end.

"Do not……"

Ke Sheng shook his head, "It's her own wishful thinking. Although she said she has no feelings for him, I know that she still has a corner of that man in her heart, but that man doesn't want to look at him at all, and even It has hurt her the most, but she still can't forget it."

An Qiaoran didn't know what to say when she heard the words.

"If it's her wishful thinking, then you should win her over. As you said, that man doesn't care about her at all, and she will suffer if she continues like this."

"I think so too, I will work hard to win her heart." Ke Sheng said, with a flash of determination in his eyes.

"That's right." An Qiaoran said.


"An Qiaoran, do you understand very well?" Lu Yuchen's leisurely voice rang in her ears, with some dissatisfaction in her voice.

How dare you talk so much to this man?Are you familiar with him?
An Qiaoran heard the voice, and looked at him helplessly, "I am a woman, I have experienced it anyway, how can I not understand?"

"Experienced?" Lu Yuchen captured these three words.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, realizing later, did she reveal something by saying this?
This man is so fussy, why did she slip up?

Facing Lu Yuchen's suddenly sharp gaze, what else could An Qiaoran say, but he could only say, "I'll tell you when I get back."

"No!" Lu Yuchen refused, "Let me make it clear now, did you fall in love with me because you were moved?"

An Qiaoran: "..."

He said it so bluntly, what else could An Qiaoran say!Subconsciously glanced at Ke Sheng opposite.

Are there others?I dare to say it, and I don’t feel embarrassed.

After being stunned for a long time, An Qiaoran only replied with one word, "Yeah."

"Which thing are you referring to?" Lu Yuchen didn't give up, and seemed to have the momentum to ask the end.

This question is not difficult, but here, An Qiaoran is inconvenient to say, so he can only reply, "I don't know, I can't remember."

"An Qiaoran, are you kidding me?" Lu Yuchen was very dissatisfied.

Lu Yuchen was really looking forward to what it was that caused her to fall in love with him, but unexpectedly, she still didn't remember it.

"I didn't tease you, I really don't remember, after all... It's been almost three years, okay?"

After thinking about it, since she and Lu Yuchen got married, they have encountered many things, big and small, and experienced them together. Three years later, she and Lu Yuchen are still in the same heart.

Compared with Lu Yuchen back then, he has changed a lot now.

"Can you forget such an important thing? An Qiaoran, you're really good at it!"

An Qiaoran's words of forgetting made Lu Yuchen angry and helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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