Chapter 872 Monitored His Cell Phone

After Ke Sheng left the villa, he called Chen Lanyu.

It was a total of three calls before Chen Lanyu answered the phone. This was their agreement.

"Ke Sheng, how are you? Did Lu Yuchen let you go?"

Chen Lanyu knew about Ke Sheng's attempt to attract Lu Yuchen's attention.

"It's not he who let me go, but An Qiaoran. I'm safe now. How about you? Have you bought the ticket?"

Hearing this, Chen Lanyu over there was silent for a second, and then said, "Ke Sheng, I don't intend to leave here."

"Why?" Ke Sheng was stunned when he heard the words, and couldn't help but wonder.

"I still have something to do."

"What else are you going to do?" Ke Sheng asked.

The phone was silent.

"Lan Yu, do you have any plans?"

"Ke Sheng, can you stop asking?" Chen Lanyu asked in confusion.

Hearing this, Ke Sheng felt even more strange, "Lan Yu, what are you going to do this time? After this incident, Lu Yuchen has already set his sights on you, if you continue like this, you will be exposed."

"I don't care." Chen Lanyu said, "I will be careful, you don't have to worry."

"At least you have to tell me where you are now, so I can rest assured." Ke Sheng asked a second before she was about to hang up the phone.

"I'm in a very safe place, you don't have to worry."

After Chen Lanyu finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Ke Sheng stood by the side of the road, looking helplessly at the hung up phone.

Although he held Lu Yuchen back with An Qiaoran, he didn't know when Lu Yuchen figured it out to find Lan Yu. If Lan Yu was found, the consequences would be disastrous.

Lan Yu doesn't seem to trust him very much recently, she didn't tell him about this action, and he only found out after she asked him to delay.

This time, Lan Yu seemed to have taken An Qiaoran to ask Lu Yuchen for someone, but he didn't know who that person was.

Now, she doesn't even tell him where she lives.


In the study room on the third floor of the villa, Lu Yuchen took off his earphones and looked at the location on the computer, his eyes were extremely cold.

"Young master, did you hear any news?" Nade who was on the side asked Lu Yuchen when he saw that his expression was not right.

Before Lu Yuchen handed over the phone to Ke Sheng, he had already monitored Ke Sheng's phone.

"Chen Lanyu and Lu Feng must be planning something. You send someone to guard this position and monitor them. Don't act rashly without my permission. Also, don't let An Qiaoran know about Chen Lanyu."

"Yes, sir."

After Nade finished speaking, he turned and left. After the door of the study was closed, little Jiayi on Lu Yuchen's lap spoke.

"Dad, why didn't you tell Mom?"

"You're still young, so you don't understand." Lu Yuchen said with a frown.

"Mom said I've grown up!" Xiao Jiayi said innocently.

"It's a big kid!" Lu Yuchen said.

"What does it mean to be big?"

Little Jiayi was about to come up with a hundred thousand reasons, but Lu Yuchen didn't answer.

"Daddy, I'm hungry." Little Jiayi yelled.

"Go to the restaurant." As Lu Yuchen said, he stood up with her in his arms, left the study, and came to the restaurant on the first floor.

When Lu Yuchen came to the restaurant with Jiayi in his arms, he saw a figure busy in the kitchen.

The next second, he walked into the kitchen with Jiayi in his arms, came to An Qiaoran's side, looked at An Qiaoran who was cracking eggs, "Are you making cake again?"


An Qiaoran's failure in making cakes is that they look good but are not tasty, but Jiayi likes to eat cakes very much, so she tried her best to learn how to make them so that her daughter would not be afraid of her cakes when she grows up.

(End of this chapter)

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