Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 874 Don't Be Afraid, I Will Protect You

Chapter 874 Don't Be Afraid, I Will Protect You
What Ke Sheng said...

An Qiaoran was stunned when she heard that, she had said something to Ke Sheng, but she didn't seem to say that she was looking for Chen Lanyu!How did he know?And told Lu Yuchen?
Because of confusion, An Qiaoran was in a daze, and she didn't even hear Lu Yuchen's words.

"An Qiaoran, what are you thinking?" Lu Yuchen couldn't help asking seeing that she was sluggish and silent, "Are you surprised that I knew you were looking for Chen Lanyu?"

An Qiaoran recovered after hearing his voice, and shook his head, "No."

An Qiaoran looked up at him, "Lu Yuchen, are you sure it was Ke Sheng who told you?"

"What do you mean by asking that?" Is there any truth to what he said?

"It would be strange if Ke Sheng really told you."

"Why is it so strange? An Qiaoran, finish your sentence at once."

"I told Ke Sheng some emotions in life and some things that happened between us, but I didn't say anything about Chen Lanyu. How did he know?"

An Qiaoran still can't figure it out after much deliberation, which is so strange.

Before Chen Lanyu disappeared, she didn't know Ke Sheng, so how did he know about it?
Listening to An Qiaoran's words, Lu Yuchen frowned, feeling cheated in his heart.

Chen Lanyu must have told him about Chen Lanyu, but how could Chen Lanyu know that An Qiaoran was looking for her?
"Lu Yuchen, how do you think Ke Sheng knew?"

Those who knew about this matter did not know Ke Sheng, so it was impossible for them to tell him this. An Qiaoran really couldn't figure out how he knew.

Lu Yuchen pursed his thin lips when he heard the words, and after a while, his thin lips parted slightly, "There is no one else except Chen Lanyu."

Hearing this, An Qiao was shocked, "You mean, he probably knew Chen Lanyu?"

Lu Yuchen saw that the matter had come to this point, so he had nothing to hide, so he had no choice but to speak.

"The person Ke Sheng always said he loves is Chen Lanyu."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran's eyes widened in disbelief, "The person Ke Sheng loves is Chen Lanyu! How is that possible?"

An Qiaoran shook his head in disbelief.

Ke Sheng once said that the reason why he was deliberately arrested by Lu Yuchen was to protect his loved one, and everything that night was planned by his loved one.

That is to say, the person behind it is Chen Lanyu, and the person who took Lu Feng away is also Chen Lanyu. What is she going to do?
Seeing An Qiaoran so surprised, Lu Yuchen didn't say much, just looked at her, his brows were very tangled.

What Ke Sheng said, she cared about Chen Lanyu very much, if she knew that he took away the child in Chen Lanyu's womb, what would she look like?Will you hate him?
Do not……

He doesn't want her to hate him.

The kitchen had been quiet for an unknown amount of time before An Qiaoran recovered from the shock.

"Lu Yuchen, what should we do now? Chen Lanyu planned all this to rescue Lu Feng, is it because she wants to join forces with Lu Feng to deal with me? But why did she do this?"

An Qiaoran asked herself, apart from her marriage to Lu Yuchen, she had never done anything to feel sorry for her.

Even she and the old lady designed to conceive Lu Yuchen's child, she endured it, she forgave it, why is everything she is doing now?

"Perhaps... it's for revenge." Lu Yuchen said, looking down at her, seeing her worried face, couldn't help reaching out and stroking her face, saying in a low voice.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

(End of this chapter)

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