Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 877 How much I loved before, how much I hate now

Chapter 877 How much I loved before, how much I hate now
Chen Lanyu was stunned by Lu Feng's words. He was stunned for a second before looking at him.

"That was all in the past." Chen Lanyu said, "I don't have any love for him now. I have seen him through. How much I loved him before, I hate her now."

Chen Lanyu said with resentment written all over her face, even so, Lu Feng still didn't trust her very much.

"Women are all affectionate and soft-hearted. I don't believe in the hate you said, so I can't cooperate with you."

As Lu Feng said, he stood up and looked at her, "I am very grateful to you for saving me, but in order to ensure the complete implementation of the plan, you and I have to part ways."

After speaking, he turned around and prepared to leave.

"If I'm not mistaken, you are going to use An Qiaoran to threaten Lu Yuchen to hand over the shares." Chen Lanyu said suddenly when his hand was on the doorknob.

Hearing this, Lu Feng stopped, turned around and looked at Chen Lanyu, "You think you're smart? Unfortunately, you're wrong. I've used this method once. I won't do things like repeating the same mistakes."

"But no matter what method you use, you can't do without An Qiaoran."

Chen Lanyu said bluntly, "Lu Yuchen's only weakness is An Qiaoran. If you want to deal with Lu Yuchen, you can start with An Qiaoran."

Chen Lanyu said, got up and walked to his side, "But, you have to deal with An Qiaoran, do you know An Qiaoran's weakness?"

"Of course I know that." Lu Feng said proudly, "Isn't that her younger sister?"

"It's her sister, that's right, but that was in the past." Chen Lanyu said, "Her sister is not so innocent now, and besides, Ah Heng who is beside Lu Yuchen has been with her all the time, how did you get her?"

"I have my own way." Lu Feng said.

"I'm afraid you can't help it."

Chen Lanyu said, crossing her arms with her chest, "I guess you must have set your mind on An Qiaoran's daughter now, but don't forget that it is impossible for her daughter to come out in the villa, and you have no chance to do it."

"So whether it's An Qiaoran's sister or An Qiaoran's daughter, you have no chance."

"You said so much, what do you want to express?" Lu Feng was getting impatient seeing her talking so much.

"Are you so angry because I told you about your troubles?" Chen Lanyu continued.

"Don't worry, I just want to cooperate with you. After all, you can live without me, but I can't live without you. Otherwise, why do you think I have to go to such lengths to save you instead of directly taking Anne?" Was Qiao Ran killed?"

Looking at her attitude and style of speaking, Lu Feng began to believe that she really hated her.

But she is a woman after all, women are prone to impulsiveness, once impulsive, she can do anything, but once she has done something, she will start to regret it again...

So he was worried that if she suddenly changed her mind one day, wouldn't that be bad for him?
But right now, she obviously knew An Qiaoran much better than he did. With her alone, maybe things would go smoothly.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng didn't intend to leave, but looked at her, "What's your plan?"

Seeing that he finally believed in herself, Chen Lanyu laughed, "Since I've told you so much, there must be a plan."

"Ke Sheng said that during the time I was abroad, An Qiaoran was looking for me all the time, and seemed to be very worried about me!"

Hearing this, Lu Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, "You mean...using you as bait?"

"Yes." Chen Lanyu nodded confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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