Chapter 895 Jumping out of a window?

When Xiao Jiayi heard An Qiaoran's voice, she gradually stopped crying, stretched out her little hand to grab An Qiaoran's cheek, and laughed.

Seeing Xiao Jiayi's innocence, An Qiaoran couldn't help feeling a little rejoiced.

Before she came in, the room was very dark. Chen Lanyu and that Lu Feng must have left the child here all the time, regardless of whether they care about it now.

Has the child been treated like this since he was brought in?

An Qiaoran's heart was about to break thinking about the child's crying, so she carried the child to the sofa and sat down.

Seeing the oil stains and rice grains on the front of the child's clothes, An Qiaoran was startled.

It seems that they still fed the children some food...

Therefore, the child cried just because it was dark here, not because he was hungry.

As long as the child is fine, she is at ease.

An Qiaoran hugged the child and looked around the house.

It was found that the windows of the whole house were covered by black cloth, there was no light at all, and they could only rely on the lights.

She is not very familiar with the Lu family, so naturally she doesn't know who owns this room. It looks very mysterious, and the furnishings in the room are like a study.

A large bookshelf with all kinds of books on it looks very spectacular.Lu Yuchen doesn't like this style, so it must not be his study.


After seeing Ke Sheng, Lu Yuchen touched his empty trouser pocket and suddenly remembered that his mobile phone was on the sofa in the bedroom, so he returned to the villa.

But unexpectedly, just as he walked into the lobby of the villa, he heard a shocking news.

"An Qiaoran is gone?" Lu Yuchen looked at Nade in front of him and growled.

"Yes, the preliminary guess is that the young lady jumped out of the window." Because of his own negligence, Nade spoke in a very low voice, and lowered his head, ready to be beaten at any time.

Jump out of the window?

When Lu Yuchen heard these two words, his complexion became even darker, his whole body was filled with anger, and his eyes were covered with ice and snow for thousands of years.

The third floor is high, and she jumped out of the window, is she dying?

There was a loud "bang", and the potted plants lying on the ground innocently, the tiles were shattered, the soil was spilled all over the ground, and then there was another loud noise, and the sound of broken porcelain resounded in the hall one after another.

All the maids in the living room looked at the angry Lu Yuchen and lowered their heads one after another. They didn't dare to say a word, and even the sound of breathing was purposely muted.

In the middle of the mess, the tall and tall Lu Yuchen stood there with a gloomy face and bulging veins on his forehead. He looked extremely terrifying.

"Take everyone and go to Lu's house!" Lu Yuchen growled with a gloomy expression.

Hearing this, Nade was taken aback, "Master, didn't you say it's five o'clock? It's only now..."

"Go quickly!"

Lu Yuchen only thought about An Qiaoran's safety now, how could he care so much?He yelled directly, and Nade hurried out in fright.

Nade and some bodyguards walked out, leaving behind the maids who dared not breathe.

Lu Yuchen stood there, his face became more and more gloomy, his whole body exuded uncontrollable anger, and his cold eyes swept over everyone present one by one.

"Get out of here!"

Lu Yuchen roared, and all the maids didn't dare to hesitate, and ran out in a panic.

In a few seconds, everyone in the hall ran away, leaving only Lu Yuchen standing there alone.

He was standing in the middle of a mess, his chest heaving unceasingly, which showed how full of anger he was.

His brows were tightly frowned, sweat broke out, and his brows trembled a little, as if he was holding back something.

(End of this chapter)

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