Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 914 How Many Innocent People Are You Going To Hurt?

Chapter 914 How Many Innocent People Are You Going To Hurt?

Lu Yuchen looked coldly at Chen Lanyu who was explaining in a panic in front of him, without any expression on his face, and he didn't speak, just looked at her like that, with a half-smile in his eyes, as if he was watching a joke.

Chen Lanyu looked at the sneer on his face, her heart sank, and suddenly there was a "bang", she knelt on the ground.

Lu Yuchen narrowed his eyes slightly, indifferent.

"Lan Yu, what are you doing?" She knelt down suddenly, and Ke Sheng, who was beside her, was shocked, and hurried forward to help her up.

However, she didn't mean to get up, she just raised her head and looked at Lu Yuchen persistently, with pleading in her eyes.

"An Qiaoran was injured by me. It doesn't matter how you deal with me, but the child is not yours and has nothing to do with you. He is also innocent. He no longer has an arm. You must not harm him , don't hurt him."

As Chen Lanyu said, watery eyes were already in her begging eyes, and finally, her voice became hoarse, "I beg you, Lu Yuchen, he's still just a child."

Lu Yuchen looked coldly at Chen Lanyu who was kneeling in front of him and begging, his face was still expressionless, his eyes turned slightly, and only then did he notice that the child in her arms really had no left arm.

He looked at the sleeping child and was silent for a few seconds. The living room was surprisingly quiet. Everyone followed Chen Lanyu's kneeling, their eyes focused on her, and they didn't speak.

Time passed by, Chen Lanyu was still kneeling, Lu Yuchen was still looking at the boy, without saying a word, his expression was indescribably complicated.

Ke Sheng on the side looked at Lu Yuchen without saying a word, and just let Chen Lanyu kneel like this, feeling very angry in his heart.

He suddenly stepped forward, grabbed Lu Yuchen by the collar, stared at him fiercely, and said through gritted teeth, "Lu Yuchen, you are such a bastard! She begged you like this? You still don't want to let go of your own son, you Is it human after all!"

"Take your hand away!" Facing Ke Sheng's anger, Lu Yuchen just looked at him contemptuously, and said coldly, his tone was very flat, no joy or anger could be heard.

"If you don't let their mother and daughter go today, I will fight to the death with you!" Ke Sheng still did not let go, still glaring at him angrily.

"Really?" Lu Yuchen looked at him and asked slowly.

"You can try it!" Ke Sheng did not show any weakness.

Lu Yuchen looked at him with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, he grabbed Ke Sheng's hand holding his collar with one hand, and suddenly swung his fist with the other hand and punched Ke Sheng in the face...

"Lu Yuchen!"

At the critical moment, a scream suddenly sounded.

When Lu Yuchen heard this voice, his whole body shook, his fist stopped at the corner of Ke Sheng's eye, and he didn't punch him down.

Ke Sheng looked at An Qiaoran who suddenly appeared outside the door, and was stunned for a second, then loosened Lu Yuchen's collar, stood there, and watched An Qiaoran slowly walk over.

Lu Yuchen turned around and looked at An Qiaoran who came in front of him, his eyes were a little complicated, but more angry.

"Why are you here?" Didn't he lock the door?How can she still come down?It still came in from the outside.

Thinking about it, Lu Yuchen's face suddenly turned cold, "You jumped out of the window again!"

"If I don't jump out of the window and come down, how many innocent people are you going to hurt?" An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen and said plainly.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen was stunned, looked at An Qiaoran, frowned and asked, "Did you hear everything?"

An Qiaoran hesitated for a moment, but still nodded, looking at Chen Lanyu who was kneeling on the ground, and the sleeping child in her arms, with a complicated expression.

(End of this chapter)

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