Chapter 917 Do whatever you want
torture him?
Hearing this, An Qiaoran's whole body became stiff. Facing him expressing all her inner thoughts, she didn't know what to say.

After a few seconds of silence in the air, An Qiaoran raised his eyes, and what he saw in Lu Yuchen's eyes was sadness.


Is he sad?
Seeing Lu Yuchen's eyes, An Qiaoran's heart was touched. The next second, she suddenly tiptoed and kissed his lips...

His lips were very cold right now, but hers were hot.

She didn't know why she wanted to kiss him, but she just felt blocked and uncomfortable.

After her lips touched him, she closed her eyes, a line of tears slid down and flowed to the wound on her face, mixed with blood.

Lu Yuchen stood there, facing her sudden kiss, his body froze, without any reaction, only numbness remained in those eyes.

She just pressed her lips to his lips, but did not make any movement. A gust of wind blew by, and finally An Qiaoran couldn't help stretching out her arms to hug him.

Hugging his waist tightly, burying his head in his neck, a hoarse and crying voice sounded, "Lu Yuchen, I feel so uncomfortable, why? Why is it like this?"

During the time when Chen Lanyu disappeared, she clearly thought it through. If the child was born, she could accept it.

But now, the child really appeared in front of her eyes, but she found that her heart seemed to be pinched hard, and it hurt so badly that she could hardly breathe.

She clearly planned to be tolerant and accept, but when she saw that child, she felt inexplicably sad, very sad...

She didn't know what to do, she couldn't be sorry to Chen Lanyu, and she couldn't be sorry to the child, the child was innocent.

Feeling An Qiaoran's sobbing, Lu Yuchen's heart was not much better. He raised his hand and stroked her head, his voice was low and magnetic, "Cry! After you have finished crying, don't cry anymore."

Seeing her cry so sadly made him feel very sad. Since he found her, he didn't like to see her cry, and he couldn't see her cry.

In front of everything, as long as she cries, everything will become complicated.

Chen Lanyu's child...

That child shouldn't have been born, but this child who shouldn't exist will become the biggest barrier between him and An Qiaoran.

As long as there is this child, An Qiaoran, she will never be truly happy. Thinking of the days when she will force her to smile in the future, he feels very uncomfortable.

"What should I do?" An Qiaoran leaned on Lu Yuchen's shoulder, crying, her voice was very hoarse.

She thought she could accept this child from the bottom of her heart, but she found that she couldn't accept it at all.

Even though she had talked so much with Chen Lanyu and pretended to be magnanimous, she simply couldn't accept it.

Seeing that child, her heart was inexplicably blocked.

Although the child was an accident, she still couldn't accept the accident.

Now how to do?He is the father of the child, so she can't let him leave him alone!But... there are always some things that I can hardly imagine.

Looking at An Qiaoran whose body was trembling non-stop, Lu Yuchen closed his eyes, pondered for a moment, and then his deep voice rang out.

"This child is played by Chen Lanyu himself, so you can do whatever you want!"

Although the child was his, he never admitted it from the beginning to the end, because it was not his kind.

Originally, he had already been ruthless once, but now he was made to be ruthless again. The child was already one year old, so he really couldn't do it anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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