Chapter 919 Perfect Chen Lanyu?
So, in his heart, is she such a generous and cruel person?Is her love for him so insignificant?

Seeing the wry smile on An Qiaoran's mouth, Lu Yuchen was stunned. The original anger in his chest seemed to be discouraged a lot. He just looked at her with dull eyes.

Obviously she said those words, he is the one who should be angry and smile wryly, so what does the sadness in her eyes mean?
An Qiaoran looked at his dull eyes and continued to smile wryly, "Do you think it's easy and easy for me to make this decision?"


Lu Yuchen looked at her.

"Do you think that if I personally bring Chen Lanyu and your child to live with you under the same roof, I will feel better?"


"Just ask! Which woman would be willing to push her man into the arms of another woman and give him up to another woman? Do you think you are so unimportant in my heart and not worth a penny?"


"I love you!" An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen and shouted, "Lu Yuchen, I love you! I don't want to leave you, but I can't be so selfish."

Hearing what An Qiaoran said, Lu Yuchen's body froze, and the hand holding her couldn't help but relax a lot.

It can be clearly seen that there are red marks on An Qiaoran's hands, which is due to excessive force.

"The child is yours, even if you don't want to admit it is yours, the blood relationship cannot be changed."

An Qiaoran looked at him and continued, "He is a child of the Lu family. As the father of the child, you should not let him wander outside. You should take him and his mother home and take good care of them. This is your What must be done, you can't let the blood of the Lu family flow outside, can you?"

Is it finally over?

Lu Yuchen looked at the tears that seemed to fall in her eyes, his face was cold, but his heart was already overwhelming.

"If I cared about these bloodlines, I would have taken him back when I knew the child existed."

Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran with a cold expression, "An Qiaoran, I don't recognize anyone except me and your child. So, don't even think about letting Chen Lanyu and that child enter your home and me. Absolutely will not agree."

Hearing Lu Yuchen's resolute words, An Qiaoran froze in place.

Did he think she wanted to?After all, she owed Chen Lanyu too much. The marriage between her and Lu Yuchen was established after she fell into a coma.

Now that she has Lu Yuchen's child, is she going to selfishly let her take care of the child alone?Can a child without a father live well in the future?
"Lu Yuchen...can't you pity that child?" An Qiaoran still wanted to persuade Lu Yuchen, "He was born without a left arm, so don't you want him to have no father?"

"You can't let him have no father, so can you make Jiayi have no father?" Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran and asked quietly.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran lowered his head and fell silent.

Things in the world are always not perfect, what can she do?

"Jiayi is my child and yours. You know how much she clings to me every day. If you want to push me away now, you have to ask her first."

"She's still young," An Qiaoran said.

"Then you mean that you will make her forget me in the future?" Lu Yuchen poked An Qiaoran's heart, and An Qiaoran lowered her head.

Seeing her lowering her head, Lu Yuchen became even more resentful, gritted his teeth and asked her, "You have to push me away to fulfill Chen Lanyu, right?"

An Qiaoran bit her lower lip, did not speak, and had already acquiesced.

(End of this chapter)

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