Chapter 925 How hard did he hit?

After listening to what Nade said about Lu Yuchen's experience, An Qiaoran really felt that what she said to Lu Yuchen was really too much. No matter what happened, she shouldn't push him away. It's so unfair.

"That's good." Hearing what she said, Nade breathed a sigh of relief, looked at An Qiaoran's expression, and said again.

"Young Madam, you have to understand that the Young Master can't live without you, so no matter what happens, you can't leave the Young Master, let alone make the Young Master sad."

Nade's words undoubtedly shocked An Qiaoran even more, "I understand."

Ever since she was a child, An Qiaoran never felt how important she was, but now Lu Yuchen regards her as more important than his life.

He is the only one who regards her as his fate, and the only one who lives in pain without her.

Lu Yuchen is a very strong person, ordinary pain can't help him at all, but the pain she brought to him made him faint from the pain, which is enough to see how painful it is.

An Qiaoran turned and went into the bedroom, brought a basin of water from the bathroom, sat by the bed, and wiped his forehead with a towel.

Looking at Lu Yuchen who was in a coma, he felt inexplicably sad.

Her hand holding the towel was a little trembling, and she gently wiped his forehead, looking at his red eyes, tears could not stop falling down.

If she had known that he had this heart disease earlier, she would not have said those words to anger him. He must have been in pain at that time.

The more An Qiaoran thought about it, the more she wanted to slap herself. Tears fell down uncontrollably like pearls on a thread.

"Young lady..."

Nade came to the bedside with the medicine box and looked at An Qiaoran who was crying sadly.

Hearing the voice, An Qiaoran subconsciously wiped away her tears with her hand, and turned to look at Nade, "Housekeeper De."

"You don't have to be sad, it's not good for the young master to see it." Even though An Qiaoran had wiped away the tears, Nade still saw the tears in the corners of her eyes.

"I'm fine." An Qiaoran said, looking at the medicine box in his hand, he couldn't help asking, "Are you here to change Lu Yuchen's gauze?"

"Yes." Nade nodded, looking helplessly at the sleeping Lu Yuchen, "Before the young master came here, he didn't know what happened, but suddenly picked up the vase and smashed himself on the head. Now that I think about it, it's probably because of you Gone."

An Qiaoran couldn't help being stunned by Nade's words, but even more shocked, "How could he be so stupid?"

Because he was worried about her, he abused his body. Why is he so stupid?Isn't he very smart?
Nade heard the words, said nothing, Lu Yuchen would become like this, he was helpless, this is not a disease, it is just his heart disease, there is no cure.

An Qiaoran stood there in a stalemate for two seconds, then took the medicine kit from Nade's hand, "Let me bandage it! Butler De, help me get him up."

Nade was a little shocked to see An Qiaoran volunteering so much, and then remembered that An Qiaoran was also a doctor, so he nodded without saying anything, and leaned over to help Lu Yuchen's upper body up.

An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen, looked at the red spot on his gauze, stretched out a trembling hand, and untied the gauze.

The gauze was taken off, and what An Qiaoran saw were large and small wounds in the middle of the hair, some of which were still soaked in blood, which looked a little shocking.

"With so many wounds, how cruel did he do it?" An Qiaoran dropped the blood-stained gauze on the ground. She looked at her head covered in wounds, feeling very distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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