Chapter 927 Must Tell Him Clearly

Nade, who didn't know the reason, was a little stunned when he heard Lu Yuchen's words, "Master, you want to..."

"If you tell you to go, go, why are you talking so much nonsense?" Lu Yuchen was obviously impatient, looking at him coldly, with a very rough voice.


Facing Lu Yuchen like this, Nade didn't know what to say, so he could only focus on An Qiaoran.

He didn't know that Lu Yuchen and An Qiaoran had already quarreled to the point of hiring a lawyer.

An Qiaoran felt very uncomfortable when he heard Lu Yuchen's words. When he noticed Nade's gaze, he looked up at him and said lightly, "You go out first, Steward De."

"Okay young lady, I'll go out first." Nade said, glanced at Lu Yuchen again, then looked at An Qiaoran, and said in a low voice, "You and young master have a good talk, don't quarrel anymore."

"I know."

Nade turned around and was about to leave, but Lu Yuchen's stern voice sounded behind her, "I won't see the lawyer before twelve o'clock, you will be at your own risk!"

Nade didn't speak, and left the bedroom directly.

Although he didn't know what the young master was going to do, he knew it was just his angry words, so he wouldn't call the lawyer.

After Nade went out, Lu Yuchen got out of bed from the inside and walked directly to the bathroom.

An Qiaoran watched him enter the bathroom without looking at herself. She felt a little disappointed, but she knew that it was her own cocoon.

Those words yesterday had really hit him hard, and it's not surprising that he was still so angry today.

An Qiaoran sat on the bed, listening to the sound of water coming from the bathroom, just staring at the bathroom without moving.

After more than ten minutes, the sound of water stopped, the door of the bathroom was opened, and Lu Yuchen, who was wrapped in a towel around his waist, came out of it.

An Qiaoran's eyes followed Lu Yuchen, but found that until he entered the cloakroom beside her, he didn't even look at her, not even the rest of the corner.

After another two or three minutes, Lu Yuchen changed into a black suit, and came out of it while buttoning it.

Just like before, without looking at An Qiaoran, he walked straight in front of her.

"Lu Yuchen!"

Seeing that he was about to leave, An Qiaoran finally couldn't help standing up, looking at his back and shouting.

Hearing her voice, Lu Yuchen's footsteps stopped, and he didn't turn around. A second later, he turned his eyes slightly, and an indifferent voice sounded.

"There is a pen and paper in the bedside cabinet. The divorce agreement is written and I will sign it at any time. As for who will be sentenced to the child, let the lawyer decide."

After finishing speaking, he left the bedroom straight away, and closed the door with a "bang".

An Qiaoran stood by the bed, looking at the closed door, thinking about what Lu Yuchen said just now, her body froze.

He actually wanted to divorce her, he was already disappointed in her, otherwise, he wouldn't even want to look at her, and he didn't speak to her as angry as yesterday, on the contrary, he was expressionless and extremely indifferent.

An Qiaoran didn't think much, and ran out the door, all the way downstairs, and saw Nade.

"Where's Lu Yuchen?" An Qiaoran asked nervously.

"I left with Ah Heng, probably to go to the company."

Nade said, looking at the sluggish An Qiaoran, "Young Madam, how is your talk with the Young Master? Why did the Young Master seek Lawyer I?"

"No matter what, these things are all because of me." An Qiaoran answered irrelevantly, "I must make it clear to him."

An Qiaoran said, looking at Nade, "Housekeeper De, I will leave Jiayi to you first, and I will go find Lu Yuchen."

(End of this chapter)

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