Chapter 929

An Qiaoran hurriedly looked towards the door excitedly. When she saw the person coming in, she felt as if she had fallen to the bottom of a lake.

Ah Heng walked in with the documents, saw An Qiaoran, and said, "Madam, Mr. Lu has gone to see the client, and we won't be able to talk for a while, so you should go back first!"

He made it very clear that he was afraid that An Qiaoran would not be able to wait.

Went to see a client?
"I just had a four-hour meeting and went to meet the client without eating? Is he usually this busy?" An Qiaoran couldn't help asking Ah Heng.

Lu Yuchen usually doesn't seem so busy, no matter how busy he is, there is always time to eat!

Hearing this, Ah Heng was stunned for a moment, and then replied, "With Mr. Lu's status, he has a lot of things to do every day, and there are quite a few people looking for him to discuss cooperation. Naturally, he is busy, but..."

"But what?" An Qiaoran asked.

"Although Boss Lu is busy, I usually go to receive customers in person. Boss Lu doesn't have any important business, so he won't go to battle in person."

Listening to A Heng's words, An Qiaoran finally understood this time, and also immediately realized a lot.

Lu Yuchen wasn't busy, but he didn't want to see her and was looking for excuses to avoid her.

"Where is he now?" An Qiaoran asked.

"On... the rooftop." Ah Heng said in confusion.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was shocked, "Is your VIP room on the rooftop?"

"No." Ah Heng shook his head, "I don't know why Boss Lu wanted to bring people to the rooftop, and even sent wine to him..."

Mr. Lu doesn't drink much, but this time he even drank to the rooftop, and he doesn't know what's going on.

After thinking about it, I'm afraid this matter has something to do with An Qiaoran.

"Drinking on the rooftop?" An Qiaoran opened his eyes wide, "Why don't you stop him, what if something happens?"

An Qiaoran glanced at Ah Heng reproachfully, said nothing more, got up and ran out of the office, ran straight to the stairs, and came to the rooftop.

As soon as I went to the roof, a gust of cold wind blew over. Although there was some sunshine, the wind in this season was still very cold.

She stood in front of the entrance, looking at the railing of the roof, where there were two sofas and a table.

Lu Yuchen and another older person were talking about something, drinking wine while talking.

An Qiaoran only saw Lu Yuchen's side face, and found that the bandage on his head had been removed by him at some point, and his short hair was a little messy as the breeze blew.

His slender legs were casually resting on the table, holding a wine glass in his hand, his eyes were leisurely looking at the shaking wine glass in his hand, and the corner of his mouth curled up in a mocking smile.

The man next to him said something to him again, but he raised his head and drank the wine in his glass without saying a word.

Although it was just an ordinary movement, it was so painful in An Qiaoran's eyes.

He is angry with her, so he hides from her, but drinks here, blowing the cool breeze.

He was angry with her, why didn't he yell at her?Why is he always like this, obviously angry at her to death, but always avoiding her, sulking and drinking alone, he always doesn't beat her or scold her, it's always like this.

An Qiaoran watched him drink several cups in a row, the circles of his eyes were red, he couldn't stand it anymore.

Stepping on her feet, she stepped forward, walked to his side, and snatched the wine glass that he was about to pour into her mouth without any explanation.

The wine glass in his hand was robbed, Lu Yuchen still maintained the movement of leaning on the sofa, motionless, with a handsome and indifferent face, showing no expression.

(End of this chapter)

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