Chapter 944
An Qiaoran's hand froze there, she realized later, she probably didn't push her just now, right?How did she fall down?Is the center of gravity unstable?Or did she jump off by herself?
"Ah! Ran..."

The pool seems to be very deep, and Xia Ling's body has been submerged. She struggled desperately, and was submerged by the water before she could finish her sentence...

Seeing this, An Qiaoran completely panicked, squatted down quickly, and stretched out her hand.

"Give me your hand and I'll pull you up!"

Seeing that hand, Xia Ling quickly reached out and grabbed her hand tightly.

An Qiaoran held her hand, trying to pull her up with all his strength.

However, Xia Ling's body was too heavy, and An Qiaoran didn't pull her up with improper force, but was dragged down by her instead.

"Ah!" She screamed and fell into the water.

She didn't realize how deep the water was until her body fell into the water. She sank into the water, struggling desperately as she couldn't swim, and a lot of water fell into her mouth, which was very uncomfortable.

She struggled for a long time, water poured into her mouth again and again, the resistance of the water made her struggle even weaker.

I don't know how long it took, her body gradually softened, her hands became weak, and her consciousness gradually lost...

In a daze, a figure jumped into the water, the water splashed, and a big palm hugged her waist.

"An Qiaoran!"

There was a very familiar voice next to his ear, An Qiaoran wanted to open his eyes, but he had no strength left, and just like that, he lost consciousness in his arms.

Lu Yuchen carried her to the shore, put her on the shore, patted her cheek, and called her name nervously, "An Qiaoran!"

He called several times in a row, but the unconscious An Qiaoran still didn't respond.

Seeing her like this, Lu Yuchen panicked completely, pressed her chest and growled, "An Qiaoran, wake me up!"

After shouting, he lowered his head to give her artificial respiration, and then desperately pressed her chest.

The two actions were repeated several times before An Qiaoran spit out the water and coughed.

"Cough cough!"

"An Qiaoran?" Seeing that she finally woke up, Lu Yuchen let go of his nervous heart.

An Qiaoran opened his eyes, and saw Lu Yuchen's face, which was full of worry.

"I'm fine... cough cough!"

As soon as he spoke, An Qiaoran coughed several times.

"You're so worried about me." Lu Yuchen looked at her reproachfully, "Don't talk, I'll take you to change clothes first, and then let Nade check it for you."

After Lu Yuchen finished speaking, he hugged An Qiaoran and walked to the front yard. Nade hurriedly called the bodyguard to bring the clothes.

Lu Yuchen hugged An Qiaoran and left. Grandma and uncle also went to see worriedly. There were only some maids left, and An Yi and Xia Ling who were drenched all over.

Compared with An Qiaoran's unconsciousness just now, Xia Ling is obviously much better, it was An Yi who rescued her.

After the two fell into the water just now, the maid happened to see it, so she rushed to report it, and then hurried over.

"Are you okay? Go and change your clothes, so as not to catch a cold, I'll go and see Ran Ran."

After An Yi finished speaking, she let go of Xia Ling's hand and prepared to leave.

"An Yi!" Xia Ling's dissatisfied voice sounded.

"What's wrong?" An Yi turned around and looked at her.

"I fell into the water with your cousin, look at her husband's attitude and concern for her, and then look at you, just say change clothes?"

Thinking of Lu Yuchen's gentleness towards An Qiaoran just now, and looking at his husband, the more I think about it, the more annoying I become!

(End of this chapter)

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