Chapter 949 Lu Yuchen fainted
An Qiaoran didn't hesitate to answer, turned around and sat on the sofa, looked at Zhao Qiaoqiao, and spoke slowly.

"I heard from Ah Heng that you have chosen another comic? And you still have to choose the actors yourself?"

"Yes!" Zhao Qiaoqiao nodded, "Is there any problem?"

"Are you going to be the director yourself?" An Qiaoran asked again.

"It can be said that because...the manga I'm going to push this time is my own work." Zhao Qiaoqiao dropped a bombshell.

An Qiaoran was dumbfounded when he heard this, "Your own work? The manga you drew yourself?"

"Yeah! I drew it anonymously, and it turned out pretty good, so now I have an idea to change my career to become a screenwriter. Of course, the company will not be left behind." Zhao Qiaoqiao said, still very excited, "Ran Ran, do you think it's okay? ?"

"It's a good idea, but..." An Qiaoran had a sad face.

"Just what?"

"It's just... Qiao Qiao, why are you so capable? You are working too hard to start a manga site and become a screenwriter."

After An Qiaoran gasped, she admired Zhao Qiaoqiao for a while, Zhao Qiaoqiao thought she was going to say something big!Startled her.

"It's not a fight, it's just something I'm interested in, and I don't feel tired at all when I do it."

Zhao Qiaoqiao spoke with ease, but An Qiaoran looked melancholy.

"I admire you so much now! Now you are considered a winner in life, and what about me? Since Jiayi was born, I haven't been working in the hospital much, and the clinic before is so deserted."

After having Jiayi, Lu Yu doesn't let her work very much, let alone go to the hospital. Now she just has nothing to do all day long, and the sounds are boring.

"You have a good husband, I don't want you to be tired, that mouse in my family, alas! Let's not talk about it."

Zhao Qiaoqiao said with a sad face and sighed, which made An Qiaoran feel very helpless, "I said, don't complain, Jiang Hao treats you very well, he is a warm man."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Qiaoqiao's melancholy face was instantly filled with sunshine.

"That's right! He and I have a smooth life, and we haven't had much quarrel, so that's pretty good."

"Yes! Just be content with it!" After An Qiaoran finished speaking, with a loud thunder, the phone in her pocket rang.

It's Ah Heng.

"Aheng, what's the matter?"

Ah Heng seldom called her, not knowing what was the matter.

"Madam, Mr. Lu has passed out. I can't wake him up. I'm sending him to the General Hospital now. Come quickly!"

Ah Heng finished speaking in a hurry, and there was a sound of a stretcher on the other side of the phone, and he should have arrived at the hospital.

An Qiaoran held the hung up phone, his mind was full of what Ah Heng said on the phone just now.

Lu Yuchen fainted...

Her complexion changed drastically, and her body began to feel cold.

"Ran Ran, what happened?" Zhao Qiaoqiao asked when she saw that something was wrong with her.

An Qiaoran didn't hear much of what she said, her eyes were filled with worry, "Lu Yuchen fainted, I'm going to the General Hospital."

With that said, she picked up her bag, stood up and was about to run out.

When Zhao Qiaoqiao realized it, she also stood up and caught up with her, "I'll drive you there."

An Qiaoran nodded.

On the way to the hospital, An Qiaoran was full of worries, and Zhao Qiaoqiao comforted her while driving.

"Don't worry, he should be fine."

Although she didn't know why Lu Yu fainted, seeing An Qiaoran like this, she could only comfort her like this.

(End of this chapter)

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