Chapter 967 A particularly aggrieved tone
"What did you talk about? Tell me?" He glanced at the mobile phone in her hand, then looked at her cheek, and asked meaningfully.

Before the phone was hung up, Zhao Qiaoqiao over there heard Lu Yuchen's voice, and hung up the phone in fright.

Having said so much just now, it seems that Young Master Lu is going to be angry, so she had better hang up the phone quickly.

An Qiaoran sat on the sofa, and when he heard Lu Yuchen's words, he even laughed tremblingly, "Hehe, don't you need it?"

If she still said what she said just now, unless she didn't want to live anymore.

"Why not?" Lu Yuchen asked back, his eyes fixed on her deeply, "I think it is very necessary."

"We've talked so much, it's really hard to repeat it again, or... forget it?"

An Qiaoran spoke cautiously, and looked at him cautiously, hoping that he would pretend that none of this had happened, that is, he had never heard anything.

"Forget it? How can you forget it?" Lu Yuchen still looked at him, "I'm curious, if I really fired that kid Ah Heng, what method would you use to deal with me? Huh?"

At the end of the conversation, Lu Yuchen made a special 'huh', which made An Qiaoran feel even more uncomfortable.

He heard it all!This is asking her on purpose, trying to play tricks on her!
"Why aren't you talking?" Lu Yuchen looked at her and continued to ask.


He said that, how dare she say anything more?
"Hehe..." An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen with a smile, "What can I do to deal with you? I was just joking with Zhao Qiaoqiao just now, don't take it seriously! Seeing you are stingy, there is no need, is it?"

"Isn't it necessary? I think it's necessary!" Lu Yuchen said, "Tell me, how are you going to deal with me?"

He still didn't want to forget this, An Qiaoran was really helpless.

"I said you are too stingy, right? I just made a joke, and you have to get to the bottom of it." An Qiaoran felt helpless after being told that by Lu Yuchen.

"I'm stingy?" Lu Yuchen was displeased, "It's obvious that you are so stingy that you sent Ah Heng to watch me."

Lu Yuchen was very reasonable.

"I'm your wife, you stay in the company all day, shouldn't I know something about your behavior?" An Qiaoran asked righteously.

The sudden quarrel between the two of them changed completely, which made the maids watching from the side suddenly nervous.

In their impression, Lu Yuchen and An Qiaoran had never quarreled before. Could it be that today is the first fight in their lives because of such a trivial matter?

The living room became unusually quiet after An Qiaoran's words. There was a long silence between the two of them. The maid in the dark was even more anxious. Her heart was in her throat, and she was extremely worried.

The villa has always been calm, but don't quarrel over such a trivial matter!After all, if Lu Yuchen had a bad temper, it would be these maids who would suffer.

The strange thing is that what they were worried about didn't come out. Instead, something that surprised them happened. This is...

Lu Yuchen didn't quarrel with An Qiaoran, but said something to An Qiaoran in a particularly aggrieved tone.

"Speaking is talking, so what are you doing so loudly? It's not like I can't hear you."

The tone of Lu Yuchen's words was unprecedentedly spineless. Anyway, he had compromised with An Qiaoran, and lost the momentum he had just now.

An Qiaoran almost couldn't recognize such Lu Yuchen, she looked at him dully and blinked in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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