Chapter 972 Don't Be Afraid...

Hearing An Qiaoli's words, Ah Heng's body stiffened instantly, his face also changed involuntarily, he pursed his lips, and did not speak.

Seeing that he didn't speak, An Qiaoli took him for acquiescing, and walked up to him, "It's actually okay, my sister only wants me to be happy, and she doesn't mind, let alone my brother-in-law, he won't care about me .”

Even if he didn't say it, she knew that he cared very much.

"I didn't care, you think too much." Ah Heng didn't want to look at her, but just lowered his head and said indifferently.

"I didn't think much about it." An Qiaoli said, "I know, you still care, and I also know that you are afraid of being gossiped by others, but I want to tell you, I don't care what those people say."

An Qiaoli looked at A Heng, and spoke seriously, with determination in her voice.

Hearing her words, Ah Heng was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "But I'm just a part-time worker, and besides, the proprietress is your sister, so you really aren't afraid of those people thinking too much?"

"I'm not afraid, I'm with the people I like, what does it have to do with them?" An Qiaoli said indifferently, her words were resolute, and her eyes were extremely firm.

She took a step forward, held his hands, looked up at him, and said seriously, "I just hope you don't be afraid, we will face anything together."

Ah Heng stared at her stiffly and did not speak.

"You see, I'm not afraid anymore, what are you afraid of?" An Qiaoli looked at him with sincerity.

Ah Heng looked at her like this, his heart moved, and then he nodded, "I'm not afraid."

"That's right." An Qiaoli smiled, turned around and reached out to hold her hand, "Go in! I haven't eaten at noon, and I'm already hungry. You can accompany me to eat first."

"What did you do at noon? You don't even have time to eat?"

"Aren't I busy doing my homework?"

"That can't delay the time for eating. People are iron and rice are steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry."

"I see, I will remember later."

The two entered the villa together, and in the villa, Lu Yuchen was also forcing An Qiaoran to eat.

Ah Heng and An Qiaoli had just entered the kitchen when they saw Lu Yuchen feeding An Qiaoran with his mouth.

Seeing such a scene suddenly, An Qiaoli and A Heng paused and almost hit the wall. Looking at the two people at the dining table, A Heng and An Qiaoli looked at each other for a second, and then they both smiled in unison.

The two people who were being intimate at the dining table heard laughter, An Qiaoran quickly pushed Lu Yuchen away, looked towards the door, and found that A Heng and An Qiaoli were standing there covering their mouths and laughing.

The reaction of the two of them is enough to prove that they have seen the scene between her and Lu Yu just now.

Thinking about it, An Qiaoran's face instantly turned red, and she gave Lu Yuchen a dissatisfied look.

Lu Yuchen's eyes were filled with impatience after being pushed by An Qiaoran, and when he saw the two people by the door, his expression turned completely cold.

"Get out!" He said coldly, staring at the two people by the door.

As soon as Lu Yuchen made a sound, Ah Heng didn't dare to laugh anymore, and quickly stopped smiling, but An Qiaoli still smiled fearlessly, and couldn't help it.

"Stop laughing..." Ah Heng secretly reached out and tugged at her sleeve, but An Qiaoli ignored her and continued to laugh.

Lu Yuchen's face was completely dark, and with a "pop", he slapped the table and stood up, staring at An Qiaoli who was still smiling, and growled, "Get out!"

After being yelled at by Lu Yuchen, An Qiaoli's whole body trembled, and the laughter finally stopped. Looking at Lu Yuchen's angry face, her heart trembled.

"Lu Yuchen!"

An Qiaoran, who was blushing all the time, heard his roar, couldn't help but stood up and tugged at Lu Yuchen's sleeve, "You scared Lily."

(End of this chapter)

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