Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 976 Embracing in Front of Husband and Wife

Chapter 976 Embracing in Front of Husband and Wife
On the other side, after hanging up the phone, Ah Heng sat down beside An Qiaoli, looked at her melancholy face, and said, "Did you hear everything?"

He just turned on speakerphone.

"Yeah." An Qiaoli nodded, absent-mindedly, obviously still in shock.

Regarding this, Ah Heng just said helplessly, "President Lu's character is like this, so it's not surprising that he said such a thing, but he didn't mean it either."

"I know, I'm not afraid of him, I'm just thinking, I'm already so old, shouldn't I keep bothering my sister, brother-in-law and them all the time."

She just felt that if she lived in the villa all the time, she would always feel sorry for her.

Hearing what she said, Ah Heng knew that she was frightened, so he reached out and patted her on the shoulder, "Don't think too much, your sister doesn't want you to have such thoughts, she must want to take good care of her." You, if you have the idea of ​​leaving the villa, she will definitely follow you out of the villa, and it will be troublesome then."

What Ah Heng said made An Qiaoli's figure tremble, "Yes! My sister will not let me leave, and she is the one who worries me the most."

"So! No matter what happens, your sister will face it with you. According to Mr. Lu, he is very good to your sister's family. Like your grandma and grandpa, doesn't he treat him as his own family? Relax , Boss Lu doesn't have any thoughts about you."

Ah Heng tried his best to comfort her, and An Qiaoli was also persuaded by him, "You are right, brother-in-law doesn't listen to anyone, so only sister can conquer him."

"That's right! Now that my wife is pregnant, Boss Lu spends very little time in the company. Rumors about him loving his wife are everywhere in the company."

As Ah Heng said, he pulled her to stand up, "Let's go! Go back, or my wife will worry about you."

"Yeah." An Qiaoli stood up and left with him, walking towards the villa.



An Qiaoran and Lu Yuchen got out of the car and ran towards the person in front of them. When they saw Lan Yan, they couldn't help but hug her.

"Yan'er, you're finally here." An Qiaoran hugged Lan Yan, with a smile on his face.

"Sister Ran Ran, long time no see." Lan Yan also hugged her with a smile on her face.

Yun Mo at the side looked at the two people hugging in front of him, his expression was not very good, but he didn't say anything, and the same was true for Lu Yuchen.

"Cough cough!" Two coughs sounded from the side, and then a male voice pretending to be angry rang out, "What? You forgot your brother when you saw your sister?"

An Qiaoran knew that these words came from his younger brother Qiao Feng, so he let go of his blue face and looked at him.

"How could it be? I won't forget your brother! Come on, give me a hug."

An Qiaoran stretched out his hand to hug Qiao Feng, but Qiao Fengye stretched out his hand, and the two of them were about to embrace each other when a big palm pulled An Qiaoran over.

Lu Yuchen's very dissatisfied voice sounded, "He is my wife, do you dare to hug her?"

Lu Yuchen gave Qiao Feng a dissatisfied sideways glance, and spoke as a warning.

Faced with Lu Yuchen's jealousy, although Qiao Feng was helpless, he still said, "She is your wife, but she is also my sister!"

"That can't be hugged!" Lu Yuchen directly vetoed, "Where did you see siblings embracing each other? What do you look like in front of your husband and wife?"


Neither An Qiaoran nor Qiao Feng spoke, but Yu Huan who was standing beside Qiao Feng spoke.

"I have no objection, how long you siblings like to hug each other."

"I have no objection either." An Qiaoran also echoed.

(End of this chapter)

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