Chapter 978

An Qiaoli shook her head, but covered her forehead with her hand.

Ah Heng pushed her hand away, and saw that her forehead was bruised, and it looked like she had been beaten badly.

"They're all hurt like this and they still say it's okay."

When An Qiaoran heard what A Heng said, she hurried over to check it out. She was indeed seriously injured. Seeing it made her feel very distressed. She looked at A Heng and said, "Take her down and get some medicine, otherwise it will be more swollen."

Ah Heng didn't speak, and walked towards the side hall while supporting An Qiaoli.

After they left, An Qiaoran looked at Qiao Yu, who had caused all this, with a very angry face, "I said you are too much, how can you hurt people casually? Let me tell you, if something happens to Lily , I will not let you go!"

An Qiaoli was injured for no reason, so An Qiaoran was naturally in a bad mood, and her tone of voice was a bit harsh.

Qiao Yu thought it was just a maid, and no one would care too much if she hit her, but unexpectedly, it was An Qiaoran's younger sister, who was wronged for a while and said nothing.

"Ran Ran, don't be angry, Yu'er didn't do it on purpose, and you know her temper, so don't argue with her." Seeing An Qiaoran so angry, Qiao Feng couldn't help but speak out to ease the atmosphere.

"Yes, Ran Ran, she has always been like this, so don't be too angry." Qiao Ze said, and severely criticized Qiao Yu.

"I said you can't do anything for a day, you will only cause trouble, and when he comes back, he will apologize to him."

"I see." Although Qiao Yu was unwilling, seeing Lu Yuchen's expression was not very good, he was taken aback, and agreed.

Seeing that they all said this, An Qiaoran didn't say much even if he was unwilling, but said, "The food over there may have been prepared, eat first, and I will ask the maid to prepare a place for you to rest."

"Ran Ran, don't you want to eat?" Lan Yan asked.

"Lu Yuchen and I have already eaten, you eat first, I'll go and see Lily." After An Qiaoran finished speaking, she stood up and went to the side hall.

Seeing An Qiaoran leave, Lu Yuchen also stood up and walked over.

"Look at you, this is Beicheng, not at home, why are you throwing your temper indiscriminately? You should restrain your temper, otherwise Mr. Lu will be angry, and you must be finished, did you hear me?"

As soon as Lu Yuchen and An Qiaoran left, Mrs. Qiao began to blame Qiao Yu.

"I see." Qiao Yu said impatiently, her eyes following Lu Yuchen.

When Lu Yuchen and An Qiaoran came to the side hall, they saw An Qiaoli who refused to take the medicine. An Qiaoran frowned and walked over.

Standing in front of An Qiaoli, she frowned and said, "Why didn't you take the medicine? It's so swollen."

Ah Heng has no way to deal with An Qiaoli's persistence.

"Who is that woman? She is so arrogant, as if at her house, I just don't apply medicine, I don't want her here, I don't want to see her."

An Qiaoli was obviously so angry by Qiao Yu that she didn't even want to deal with the wound, her face was full of anger.

"She is Qiao Feng's cousin, and also my cousin. She has a bad temper, but... you can't stop taking medicine just because you hate her, right? That's too bad for yourself."

"I don't care who she is, I just don't want to see her, and she doesn't seem to respect you very much, sister, can you let her live out?"

It was the first time she had seen such an arrogant person, it was really annoying, what happened to the maid?Can someone who works for others let her trample on her like this?That's too much.

"This one……"

An Qiaoran didn't expect An Qiaoli to say something like driving her out, so she was a little stunned.

"Lily, she is from the Qiao family. With my father around, I can't do anything to her. You should understand me."

(End of this chapter)

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