Chapter 980
An Qiaoran didn't eat, but she still sat next to Lan Yan in the restaurant and talked about her and Yun Mo.

"Mom, I'm hungry." Just as he was talking vigorously, a childish voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Ah Heng walking towards Jiayi holding an ice cream in his arms.

Looking at the ice cream in her hand, An Qiaoran frowned slightly, "Why did you just give her ice cream? She has a bad stomach recently, so she can't eat cold ones, or she will have diarrhea."

"Ma'am... I don't want to either. It's the young lady who insists on arguing for food. It's very noisy, and there's nothing I can do about it."

Ah Heng came over with a guilty face, and sat on the seat with Jiayi in his arms.

"I want to eat eggs." Xiao Jiayi pointed to the eggs on the table as soon as she sat down.

An Qiaoran looked at her daughter, feeling helpless, reached out and took an egg, knocked it on the table, and prepared to shell it.

"I'll peel it myself." Xiao Jiayi was about to reach for the egg, but An Qiaoran was used to it, so she gave it to her, "Be careful not to drop it on the floor."


Little Jiayi nodded, then lowered her head and began to peel the eggs. An Qiaoran saw that her hand holding the ice cream was inconvenient, so she said, "Give the ice cream to Mom!"

"No." Xiao Jiayi refused, and her little hand holding the ice cream tightened even more, for fear that An Qiaoran would really take it for her.

An Qiaoran had no other choice. Although this Jiayi was not very old, she was already very smart, and she was quite fluent in speaking.

However, An Qiaoran was very troubled, she liked to eat very much, sometimes even though she had just eaten, she would clamor for snacks again, as if she would never be full.

"Then mom hug you!" An Qiaoran stretched out her hands towards her, and Xiao Jiayi hesitated as she looked at her outstretched hands.

Just when An Qiaoran thought she would let him hug her, Ah Heng said, "Let me hug you! Madam, it's inconvenient for you to be pregnant."


"Okay! Mom will get you what Jiayi wants to eat." An Qiaoran picked up the chopsticks as she spoke, "Bring you a pumpkin pie!"

"No." Jiayi shook her head, looked around the big long table, then pointed to a place, and said, "I want to eat that."

An Qiaoran looked along where she pointed, and saw the lean meat porridge in front of Qiao Yu.

Got up to get it, but Ah Heng held Jiayi and stood up, "I'll get her some, Madam, sit down."

"All right!"

Ah Heng carried Jiayi and came to Qiao Yu's side. Qiao Yu looked at the child in Ah Heng's arms with a very angry and ugly expression on her face.

What are you proud of?Didn't she just give birth to a daughter?Not a son!annoying!

"I want to take it myself."

Ah Heng served a small bowl, but Jiayi yelled to take the bowl herself, and kept reaching out to grab it.


Seeing this, Ah Heng started to feel troubled, "Jiayi, you still can't handle it, and the same goes for uncle."

"I don't want it! I want to take it myself." Jiayi has no intention of giving up.

Ah Heng had no choice but to look at An Qiaoran.

An Qiaoran knows that her daughter likes to 'live on her own', but she didn't expect to have to serve the bowl by herself. Her hands are not as big as the bottom of the bowl!How?
An Qiaoran was about to refuse, but unexpectedly, a moderate voice sounded, "Let her take it."

An Qiaoran turned to look at Lu Yuchen beside him with a strange look.

Why did he agree?Did he really think that Jiayi's small hands could hold a bowl?
"If she smashes it, it's broken. It's not like I don't have a bowl for her to throw." Lu Yuchen glanced at her and said lightly.


He has said that, what else can An Qiaoran say?Naturally, he was silent.

(End of this chapter)

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