Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 987 The Princess Hugs Regardless of the Occasion

Chapter 987 The Princess Hugs Regardless of the Occasion
Yunmo wanted a child, but she couldn't give it to him. She was afraid that he would be disappointed after marriage, so she didn't want to get married. She was hovering on the verge of pain, wondering whether she should tell him the truth, but she hoped Miracles happen.

Also as a woman, An Qiaoran was able to clearly understand her thoughts, her pain, and her struggles.

"Yan'er, believe me, there will be a miracle, I will find a way to change the ending, I will make you heal, no matter what the price is."

No matter what, she must do everything possible to heal her. She doesn't believe that God is so cruel to her. She doesn't believe it.

"It's useless." Lan Yan leaned on her shoulder, shaking her head, tears streaming from her eyes.

"No matter what, you have to believe that there are miracles." An Qiaoran was not only comforting her, but also comforting herself.

However, she believed that she would find a way. Even if she had no way, Lu Yuchen would definitely find a way. He would definitely find a professional doctor to cure Lan Yan.

Lan Yan didn't speak, just leaned on her shoulder, her tears had dried up.

Since knowing the sad news, she has shed tears countless times, but now, there are no tears to shed.

"Knock, knock!" There were two knocks on the door of the room.

"Who?" An Qiaoran looked in the direction of the door.

"I'm Yunmo, is Yan'er in?" Yunmo's magnetic and pleasant voice sounded from outside the door.

Lan Yan sat upright, looked in the direction of the door, then glanced at An Qiaoran again, and said, "Sister Ran Ran, you must not tell Yun Mo about this, I don't want to disappoint him."

"I see."

An Qiaoran nodded, reassuring her.

"Yan'er?" Yun Mo, who didn't hear a response, called out again.

"I'm inside, come in!" Lan Yan took a tissue to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said.

The door was opened, and Yun Mo walked in, and after looking around at the furnishings in the room, he walked in front of Lan Yan.

Lan Yan stood up.

"Yan'er, are you crying?" Yun Mo couldn't help asking, seeing the redness in the corners of her eyes.

"Yes, I have cried." Lan Yan nodded, "Sister Ran Ran bullied me just now."

Yun Mo looked at her ignorantly, while An Qiaoran stood looking at Lan Yan with her mouth pursed, unable to say a word.

"I'm just joking with you. I'm fine. Why are you crying? That's because I'm sleepy." Seeing that he really believed it, Lan Yan couldn't help smiling, and reached out and grabbed his wrist, "Let's go! Take me to rest .”

Yun Mo still looked at her, not believing what she said she wasn't crying.

"What are you looking at? I'm really sleepy, will you take me there? If you don't take me there, I'll go by myself." Lan Yan said, making a gesture to leave by herself.

However, she had only taken two steps before her arm was grabbed, and then, a big palm wrapped around her waist and hugged her horizontally. Yun Mo looked down at her, "Where are you going to rest?"

Lan Yan was bewildered by his series of performances, seeing that he didn't react for a while.

"It's on the second floor. I'll take you there." After being startled for a second, An Qiaoran smiled, and after realizing it, she walked out of the children's room first.

While walking, he covered his mouth and secretly laughed in his heart.

She always thought that Lu Yuchen was a man who didn't care about the occasion, but she didn't expect that Yun Mo was too, who dared to hug Lan Yan in front of her, didn't she know how shy?Think of her as transparent?Regardless of the occasion, the princess hugs.

However, the more he behaves like this, the more it shows that he loves this woman thoroughly. Fortunately, Lan Yan has such a man who loves her, which is very good.

(End of this chapter)

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