Chapter 992 The Happy Couple
Although An Qiaoran kept complaining about Lu Yuchen's nagging in her heart, she still dragged Lu Yuchen into the bathroom, stood in front of the mirror, and turned on the water.

Looking at himself in the mirror with messy hair, and then at Lu Yuchen, an idea suddenly sprouted in his heart.

"Lu Yuchen." She opened her mouth and called out to him.

"Huh?" Lu Yuchen looked at her in the mirror, wanted to complain but didn't say anything.

How did she sleep last night?The hair is like a chicken coop.

"Wash my face!" An Qiaoran looked at the man standing behind him in the mirror when he said this, and he clearly saw the shock on his face.

Just when she thought he would refuse with a look of disgust, she heard him agree very readily.

"it is good!"

An Qiaoran didn't expect him to agree so readily, she was stunned for a second, then took the towel, put it in the water, wrung it dry, then turned to face him, and handed the towel to him, "Here. "

Lu Yuchen looked at her face, reached out to take it, and began to wash her face.

An Qiaoran originally thought that he was trying to play tricks on her by agreeing so quickly, but unexpectedly, his movements were very gentle, as if he was stroking her face with his hands through a towel, which was very comfortable.

This was the first time for him to wash her face, and he was the only one who washed her face. Before that, she really didn't know that it was such a happy thing for someone to wash her face.

After washing her face, Lu Yuchen brushed her teeth herself, and then she asked Lu Yuchen to comb her hair. Standing in front of the mirror, she saw Lu Yuchen combing his hair behind his back in the mirror. This scene looked really warm , She suddenly felt that she was very happy.

"Knock knock."

Just as Lu Yuchen tied her a ponytail, An Qiaoran went into the cloakroom to change, when there was a sudden knock on the bedroom door.
Lu Yuchen was standing in front of the mirror tidying up the hair on the sink. When An Qiaoran was combing her hair just now, she lost her hair.

Hearing the knock on the door, he frowned displeasedly, put his hair in a wooden box, put it in the bedside table, and opened the door.

"What's the matter?" It was An Qiaoli who knocked on the door.

Hearing Lu Yuchen's impatience, An Qiaoli had no choice but to make a long story short, "I'm here to tell my sister that grandma cooked pumpkin porridge for her, and..."


Before An Qiaoli finished speaking, Lu Yuchen closed the door impatiently.

An Qiaoli stood outside the door with a dazed expression on her face.

Ok!She was disturbing him and his sister.

But she still has important things to say!Forget it, I'll find out when my sister goes down.

When An Qiaoran changed her clothes and went downstairs with Lu Yuchen, grandma brought her pumpkin porridge, and even put a little sugar in it, the smell was delicious.

"Pregnancy is very hard. I saw that you had severe morning sickness and couldn't eat anything, so I made some porridge for you. It was your favorite drink when you were young."

Grandma said softly while cooling her down, with a kind face.

"Thank you grandma." An Qiaoran said with a smile, lifted the bowl, and was about to take a sip when Xiao Jiayi, who was led by Ah Heng, walked over.

"What is mom drinking? I want to drink too."

"Jiayi couldn't sit still when she saw the food. She was watching cartoons just now! When she smelled it, she hurried over." Ah Heng looked at Jiayi and said with a smile.

"Isn't that right? I can eat it so much, and my daughter can definitely eat it too!" An Qiaoran took a spoonful, blew it cold, and let Jiayi eat it.

"Is it delicious?" An Qiaoran asked.

"It's delicious, I want more." Xiao Jiayi was so excited that she wanted to grab the bowl.

Facing her daughter, An Qiaoran is always very patient and ready to continue feeding her.

"You should eat first, I'll feed her." After Lu Yuchen finished speaking, he carried Jiayi to the direction of the kitchen.

An Qiaoran looked at Jiayi who was carried away, and shook her head helplessly. Just as she was about to lower her head to drink the porridge, An Qiaoli suddenly ran over.

(End of this chapter)

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