Chapter 994 For You
"Yes!" Qiao Ze sighed, and said, "Ran Ran is soft-hearted, knowing our intentions, she will definitely help Yu'er."

Qiao Yu listened to what they said quietly, without saying a word, but that face was full of resentment at this moment.


This early in the morning, the entire castle was in a state of turmoil. The banquet was set in the front yard of the villa, which was originally an empty place, but now it was set up to be extremely bustling.

Ribbons and balloons of various colors are suspended in the air, with happy birthday written on them.

The iron gate of the villa was wide open, and on both sides of the iron gate were posters of Jiayi wearing a princess dress, which was very cute and beautiful.

The whole yard was filled with pink, and Jiayi, who had changed into a little princess dress and a little crown, was led by An Qiaoran and watched the banquet scene.

The maids were busy one by one, Lu Yuchen and An Qiaoran led Jiayi to walk on the road and patrolled, and Xiao Jiayi liked the balloons and ribbons above her head very much, she was so happy that she could not close her mouth from ear to ear.

"Jiayi, today is your birthday, you are not allowed to dirty the princess dress like usual, or people will laugh at you."

A family of three stood still outside the iron gate, An Qiaoran looked at Jiayi who was holding a handful of candies, and couldn't help but speak.

"My daughter, no one dares to laugh at you." Lu Yuchen's domineering voice sounded, and An Qiaoran shook his head helplessly.

She was telling her daughter seriously, if he said that, would Jiayi still listen to her?Sooner or later, his daughter will be spoiled by him.

As if Jiayi didn't hear their conversation, she just lowered her head and peeled off the paper of the candy, then put the white candy into her mouth, smiling sweetly.

This candy is so sweet.

It was twelve o'clock at noon, and as An Qiaoran's first friend, Zhao Qiaoqiao absolutely couldn't be late, so she came.

An Qiaoran's family of three stood outside the door all the time, just to wait for Zhao Qiaoqiao to have some acquaintances, otherwise the person who greeted the guests would be Nade, so there was no need for An Qiaoran to go to battle in person.

A gorgeous red sports car stopped at the entrance of the villa, and Zhao Qiaoqiao, who was wearing a long black dress, got out of the car, grabbed her skirt with a small hand, and got out of the car right behind.

An Qiaoran knew that it was the son of Zhao Qiaoqiao and Jiang Hao, Jiang Yanbin, oh, and Jiang Hao also got out of the car.

A family of three came.

An Qiaoran smiled, and greeted her, "The family clothes you three are wearing, are you doing this on purpose to make me envious?"

Jiang Hao is in a black suit, Jiang Yanbin is in a small suit, the family of three are all in black, aren't they family attire?

"Of course, otherwise, do you think I like black very much?" Zhao Qiaoqiao said with a smile.

An Qiaoran smiled, and they exchanged a few steps before coming to Lu Yuchen and Jiayi.

"Jiayi, this is your brother Bin, this is your Aunt Zhao, and this is your Uncle Jiang." An Qiaoran led Xiao Jiayi by the hand and began to introduce.

"Happy birthday, little princess." Zhao Qiaoqiao squatted down and looked at Jiayi with a smile on her face.

After eating the candy, Jiayi, who was still sucking on the lollipop, raised her head to look at Zhao Qiaoqiao and Jiang Hao without saying a word. Finally, her eyes fell on Jiang Yanbin, who was about the same height as her, and her round eyes blinked.

The next second, she handed him a hand with a lollipop in it, "Here you are."

Jiang Yanbin looked at the candy in Jiayi's hand, froze for a moment, glanced at Jiayi, then looked up at Zhao Qiaoqiao, as if asking if he should take it.Because mom and dad often say that you can't ask for candy from strangers.

(End of this chapter)

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