The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 121 Someone Behind!

Chapter 121 Someone Behind!

"I am the only survivor in Death Valley!"

In desperation, Black Rose revealed her true identity.

Immediately, she said bitterly again: "My name is Black Rose, and I originally had the determination to kill you, but I am very realistic. You are so strong that I look up to you, so I want to chase someone around you."

"When you said that you were the only survivor in Death Valley, your fate was already doomed." Lin Feng said coldly, with a slight movement of his right hand, an invisible force spread to Black Rose's neck.

"You..." Black Rose turned pale with fright, and the purple pupil technique flashed in her eyes immediately.

However, the dense air permeating Lin Feng's body instantly blocked her attack.

No matter how hard she tried, Lin Feng was still intact without any discomfort.

"Evil charm? It's completely at the kindergarten level."

"However, in this way, I have changed my decision to kill you. Let me abolish your dantian, so I can do it myself." Lin Feng suddenly changed his decision.

Because his comrade-in-arms Ye Ying is also a strange person with purple pupil technique, comparatively speaking, he is far more profound than the black rose in front of him. He intends to save the life of the black rose because of Ye Ying's consideration.

Maybe, these two women have some relationship.


Lin Feng made a quick decision, smashed Black Rose's dantian with one kick, and threw it in the corner with a flick of his hand.

"Lin Feng, you... are so ruthless!"

Black Rose lay reclining on the ground, baring her teeth and claws as if she had lost her mind, wanting to take revenge on Lin Feng.

However, her dantian was abolished, and now she is just an ordinary person, without any chance to resist in front of Lin Feng.

"Disappear before my eyes immediately, go where you are supposed to go, if you reappear before my eyes on your own initiative, I will not spare you." Lin Feng had already made the biggest concession, and he would not feel pity just because the other party was a woman. heart of.

Black Rose left silently, completely disappearing before Lin Feng's eyes with the pain all over her body.

She regretted it very much, regretted it at the beginning!

She shouldn't have to, she shouldn't have chosen to follow Lin Feng, and in the end she's just asking for trouble, no one is to blame!

After the black rose disappeared, Lin Feng lit a cigarette and continued on his way.

In his eyes, the remnants of Death Valley are all people who must die. The reason why Black Rose was spared was only because of his comrade-in-arms Ye Ying, that's all.

"Act decisively, he is a person who does great things, the captain is right about you."

At this moment, behind Lin Feng, a clear and clear female voice suddenly sounded.

Lin Feng made a defensive posture in an instant, and turned around fully alert.

There are people behind!

He didn't notice it!
A tall woman in a red slim dress, with long hair hanging down her snow-white shoulders, was walking towards her with a smile.

"You are?" Lin Feng shook slightly. This woman's appearance was definitely one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen. Compared with his beloved Luo Wanjun, there was almost no difference.

"Yan Xiaoyan." The beautiful woman smiled softly.

"Did we know each other before?" Lin Feng still maintained his cool expression, he would not relax a bit until he knew whether the other party was a friend or an enemy.

This woman named Yan Xiaoyan was so powerful that even he couldn't find out.

"We are about to become an alliance, so it doesn't hurt to get to know each other first." Yan Xiaoyan still maintained a charming smile.

"What is an alliance?" Lin Feng asked.

"Qinglong Squad." Yan Xiaoyan gradually approached.

"I don't want to listen to nonsense, let's be blunt." Lin Feng clenched his fists tightly. If the woman in front of him had any killing intent, he would not hesitate to make the strongest blow.

"Captain Mo, didn't he explain it to you in detail?" Yan Xiaoyan raised her eyebrows slightly, looking a little cold under the night light.

"Captain Mo? Mo Lin?" Lin Feng pondered.

Yan Xiaoyan nodded.

"You are the member of the elite team that Mo Lin said, right?" Lin Feng was instantly relieved.

"Yes, the so-called elite team is the Qinglong team." Yan Xiaoyan nodded and smiled.

"Then why are you looking for me?" Lin Feng didn't feel any killing intent on the opponent, so he gradually relaxed his guard.

"Nothing to do, let's talk to you and deepen our friendship with each other, okay?" Yan Xiaoyan giggled, showing a charming posture, which made Lin Feng feel a little dazed.

Soon, he turned sideways to get rid of the beauty of tenderness from Yan Xiaoyan.

"I'll just walk around." Lin Feng turned around without showing too much emotion.

After all, he suddenly felt a little unconfident about his strong mentality.

If he stays with this incredibly beautiful woman for a long time, he's really afraid that he won't be able to keep his heart.

This is the first time he has encountered such a thing.

"Where are you going? Shall I walk with you?" Yan Xiaoyan had already walked to Lin Feng's side.

"You came with Mo Lin, right?" Lin Feng changed the subject and started walking.

"That's right, I've been at the gate of the Qin family compound. You seemed to be thinking about something when you went out, but you didn't notice me." Yan Xiaoyan smiled softly, like tulips in the night, more colorful and charming.

"..." Lin Feng was completely speechless.

Yan Xiaoyan's strength is at least a small level higher than his, and he didn't realize it, which is also reasonable.

At the same time, he became more and more curious about the identity of this woman. She seemed to be about the same age as him, but she was able to have such profound strength, and her family background was extraordinary.

"Half a month later, before the secret realm of the entrance is opened, what are your plans?" Yan Xiaoyan asked.

"Let's talk straight to the point." Lin Feng said directly.

"Alright." Yan Xiaoyan stopped and said seriously, "If you have nothing to do, can you accompany me to Somalia?"

"Somalia?" Lin Feng repeated, with a confused expression on his face. What does a woman go to Somalia for?
"If you're not interested, forget it." Yan Xiaoyan spread her hands and continued to accompany Lin Feng.

"Perhaps, I'm going to Somalia tomorrow. It's no problem to pass with you, but my destination is different from yours. If you don't mind, it's good to take the plane together as a companion." Lin Feng paused.

At this moment, his thoughts were full of thoughts. Now there are still five days before the start of the semester at Imperial University.

During this period, he happened to be fine, so it was necessary to go to Somalia to join his comrades-in-arms Ye Ying and King Kong.

Then, avenge the six comrades he has sacrificed!

Counting the time, his comrades have sacrificed for more than three years, and they have retired from the army for more than three years. If he does not take revenge at this time, he will be very busy in the next time.

"I went to Somalia to attend a friend's wedding. Is it such a coincidence that you also went to Somalia?" Yan Xiaoyan was surprised.

"Well, it's a coincidence." Lin Feng sighed, then turned and returned to Qin's house.

Naturally, Yan Xiaoyan didn't ask any more questions, and stayed by Lin Feng's side all the way, while walking into the Qin Family Courtyard.

In the courtyard, Mo Sen, Mo Lin, and Qin Long seemed to have finished their business and were chatting.

After seeing Lin Feng and Yan Xiaoyan coming together, Mo Lin stood up first and made an introduction.

After that, he got up to leave. Yan Xiaoyan made an appointment with Lin Feng and left with Mo Lin.

In the courtyard, only Mo Sen, Qin Long, and Lin Feng were left thinking about the past.

"Xiao Feng, suddenly went to Somalia, what are you doing?" Qin Long asked with concern.

Lin Feng didn't hide anything, he revealed the news that six of his comrades were murdered three years ago, and going to Somalia tomorrow is to put an end to this enmity.

"Alright, I must come back within five days." Qin Long did not stop Lin Feng's decision.

"Five days? No! I can come back within three days and go to the university to report in advance." Lin Feng thought that after entering the university campus, he could break up with his enemy Ye Yanluo's daughter Ye Xiuyue earlier, and he felt extremely urgent in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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