Chapter 123
Night falls.

Somalia, Africa, Belent Manor.

The custom here is to hold a wedding banquet in the evening.

In the huge manor, the lights are transparent, and there is a wedding of a newlywed couple everywhere.

People of yellow race, white race, black race, all kinds of faces gathered here, toasted and drank together, and wished the newlyweds Newster and Amensa couple together.

At this time, Yan Xiaoyan, who was wearing a white slim dress, with a soft veil to cover her face, raised her glass and sat in an inconspicuous corner alone, with a gratified smile on her eyes, looking at the inconspicuous The couple in the distance.

She traveled thousands of miles to this land of Africa, entirely to realize a secular dream.

She is very clear that in a few days, she will follow Molin to the secret realm of the entrance and return to the secular world again. think.

In fact, today the groom and the bride have nothing to do with her. The reason why she came here is to get rid of some people.

The banquet was going on, she put down her wine glass, and her figure shuttled around every corner of the banquet.

Ten minutes later, she stood on the roof of the manor villa, overlooking the many guests who were having a banquet below.

"Aren't those remnants coming tonight?" She held her forehead with a serious expression on her face.

Her strength has reached the middle stage of Dan Jin, and she is in control of everyone's every move in front of her. She didn't see anyone's speech and behavior as dangerous, and she searched inside and outside the manor within 10 minutes, but found nothing suspicious!
"Boom bang bang..."

Suddenly, gorgeous fireworks began to be set off at the fountain in the middle of the manor.

Almost immediately, Yan Xiaoyan realized that the fireworks were not only to celebrate today's wedding banquet, there was a great possibility that they might still be sending some kind of signal!
Yan Xiaoyan raised her head and frowned. When she was investigating the danger in the sky, she inadvertently saw Lin Feng walking towards outside the manor.

"Lin Feng...he didn't break his promise, he really came."

Without further ado, she immediately called Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, danger is imminent, be careful!"

After answering the phone, before Lin Feng had time to say hello, Yan Xiaoyan's voice came over.

"Xiaoyan, what happened?" Lin Feng stood on the spot and looked towards the manor.

"People from the assassination organization came back to visit." Yan Xiaoyan said.

"Assassination organization?" Lin Feng had already seen where Yan Xiaoyan was standing, and when he was about to walk in, unexpectedly——


In the sky, two helicopters flew over at the same time, causing everyone inside and outside the manor to look up at the same time.

Just at this very moment——

bang bang bang! ! !
Deafening explosions sounded in the Berent Manor.

The sky-high flames shot up, and countless building ruins of different sizes flew horizontally in all directions from high places.

For a while, Belent Manor was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.


Lin Feng yelled at the phone.

"Beep beep..."

The sound of hanging up from the phone made Lin Feng rush into the sea of ​​flames ahead without hesitation.

Although the relationship between him and Yan Xiaoyan is very superficial, since the two are teammates of the Qinglong team, they should share the same hatred and fight against each other in a place like this abroad!
Moreover, he has a very high opinion of Yan Xiaoyan, a woman who is a good friend, and he can't stand by and watch!
As for the sea of ​​fire in front of him, he has no fear.

You know, his strength has reached the early stage of Dan Jin, and the layer of dense air flow that he disperses on his body can protect him from water and fire for at least 10 minutes!

10 minutes is enough!
He believed that Yan Xiaoyan would never be burned by the fire, but the countless building ruins flying in all directions were like swift bullet fragments, which had to be taken seriously.

"call out!"

In the sea of ​​fire, it was horrible.

Countless corpses buried in the sea of ​​flames have long been beyond recognition!
Lin Feng galloped in while observing the person who still had signs of life, and he carried it on his shoulders.

Five minutes later, Lin Feng rescued 5 people and searched the entire manor, but he did not find any other signs of life.

Including Yan Xiaoyan, he didn't see anyone when he was alive, and he didn't see a corpse when he died!

"No, Xiaoyan is stronger than me, even if she is hit by building ruins, her life will not be in danger!"

Lin Feng comforted himself, and suddenly realized the two helicopters that caused the flames just now!
"call out!"

Lin Feng's speed reached the limit, and towards the direction where the two helicopters flew away just now, he quickly moved towards the direction of the collapsed basin north of the manor.

Lin Feng's guess was correct, Yan Xiaoyan was chasing the two planes that caused the accident.

Moreover, the two helicopters had been shot down by Yan Xiaoyan, and they were hovering above the ground emitting thick black smoke.

As soon as Lin Feng arrived here, one of the helicopters spontaneously ignited and exploded.

From the only remaining helicopter, three black men in combat uniforms sprang out, each holding a heavy gun, and had already launched a fatal attack on Yan Xiaoyan.


However, in just a second, Yan Xiaoyan disappeared from the spot and stood behind the three and the black men, her voice was extremely cold, and she wiped off the arms of the three with a wave of her hand.

"Ow ooh..."

The three of them wailed like crazy, and the feeling of their arms being torn apart made them feel so painful that they kept retreating on the ground one after another.


"The female devil!"


The three of them were so frightened that no one thought that a woman who was ten meters away in front of them suddenly stood behind them!
They didn't even expect that Yan Xiaoyan cut off the arms of the three of them in an instant just by waving her hand!

"Damn it!" Lin Feng blocked the three black men with bloodshot eyes.

"The remnants of the Scorpion Legion, you could have just managed to survive, but you took the risk to destroy the Newster family, beyond your means!" Yan Xiaoyan walked lightly, her voice was very light, but extremely oppressive.

"Devil! You devil..."

One of them roared angrily, as if he wanted to escape, but with his arms crippled, he didn't have any strength left to turn around, so he could only stare at Yan Xiaoyan with a sad face.

Yan Xiaoyan stared indifferently, and waved again.

In an instant, the legs of the three black men were split in two.

The miserable cry spread throughout the wilderness.

"You are the ones who deserve to die, and unnecessary yelling will only speed up your death." Yan Xiaoyan's body was covered with a layer of frost, covering the three black men.

The feeling of dead silence like falling into an ice cellar made the three of them tremble uncontrollably at the same time, the expressions in their eyes also became dazed, and when their bodies froze, they lost their vitality.

After a long time, Lin Feng and Yan Xiaoyan left this place together and boarded the taxi for the return journey.

"Xiaoyan, you came here to attend the wedding in name, but in fact you came here with preparations and made a special trip to clean up these remnants?" Lin Feng suddenly realized.

"That's all." Yan Xiaoyan smiled.

"You didn't tell me clearly before, are you worried about my tone?" Lin Feng was quite surprised, this woman was too scheming.

"Sorry, I didn't deny my suspicion, but this matter is really not worth mentioning. Even if I tell you clearly, it doesn't make much sense, does it?" Yan Xiaoyan smiled lightly.

"En!" Lin Feng nodded, not paying attention.

Now, what he cares most about is the Ye family in the imperial capital and Huang Qian, the president of the Ancient Martial Arts Association!

(End of this chapter)

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