The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 35 You shouldn't insult my family!

Chapter 35 You shouldn't insult my family!
Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

He had to admit that Jiang Ziming's background was so deep that he knew such strange skills.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Ziming's shirt burst completely, and his strong and muscular muscles were filled with a layer of air, shining brightly under the light.

His current size is like the Hulk in a certain manga, which is daunting.

"Have you ever taken some kind of medicine?" Lin Feng suddenly came to his senses, and a bright light suddenly burst out in his eyes.

"Oh? You guessed it?"

Jiang Ziming did not hide the madness in his eyes at all, and laughed with great interest: "Now is a money society, and if you have money, you will have everything. A genetic medicine worth [-] million is enough for me to break through to the late stage of Ming Jin." .”

"Is that so?" Lin Feng pondered for a while, then smiled.

The strength obtained by relying on external forces does not belong to oneself after all!
Even if one achieves one's own perfect fit through comprehension, after all, it relies on external forces, and the foundation is not stable, and it is easy to collapse.

"bring it on!"

Jiang Ziming grinned coldly and called Lin Feng to come to fight, but he didn't take the initiative to attack.

Lin Feng could tell that after Jiang Ziming's big transformation this time, the advantage was that he gained great strength, and the disadvantage was that his speed was greatly slowed down.

Otherwise, Jiang Ziming would not have made a provocative gesture asking him to go to the challenge.

"If that's the case, let's make your wish come true." Lin Feng stepped forward and stood in front of Jiang Ziming in the blink of an eye.

Then, he smashed it with a heavy punch.

"Hmph! It's best not to disappoint me!" Jiang Ziming snorted coldly, without any fear, he just waved his hand casually, and punched Lin Feng's fist.

He has the strength of Ming Jin's late stage, and even some old people who have entered martial arts for half a lifetime can't match him. He dare not easily fight against him. Jiang Ziming is quite confident in his fighting power, and he didn't use all his strength to fight Lin Feng.

He didn't regard Lin Feng as a real opponent!

The two fists collided, causing a frightening scene in this box.

From their respective fists, the powerful shock wave burst out, causing the walls on all sides to crack completely. Even if there was a little more impact, the house might collapse in an instant.

Lin Feng leaned forward slightly, and fixed on where Jiang Ziming was standing.

And Jiang Ziming, with a sallow complexion, was forced to retreat to the wall before he managed to stabilize his figure.

Moreover, his entire arm was painless and itchy, and he had lost all sensation, as if it had been crippled by Lin Feng's punch.

"Surprise or disappointment?" Lin Feng smiled calmly. He has lost interest in continuing to fight against such a self-righteous guy.

Even the arrogant Jiang Ziming had to admit that it was his negligence that caused the current situation.

After all, he shouldn't underestimate Lin Feng in front of him!
Angry, he was completely angry.

One mistake resulted in a crippled right hand. With such a deep blood feud, he wanted Lin Feng to pay with blood!
"Damn Hun Dan, I want to destroy your whole family!" Jiang Ziming strode forward frantically, and with boundless anger, unleashed a blow with all his strength, hitting Lin Feng hard at the heart.


A loud and clear slap suddenly exploded on Jiang Ziming's face.

He never expected that Lin Feng's speed was so outrageously fast that he barely took a step before he was slapped on the face by Wuzhishan.


Unexpectedly, Jiang Ziming was slapped again in a moment of stupefaction.

"Jiang Ziming, you shouldn't insult my family!" Lin
Feng's eyes were bloody, and there was a loud noise.

"Damn! Damn!" Jiang Ziming's voice was hoarse, and his body, like a giant, forcibly accelerated at this time.

It could be clearly seen that his steps were slightly staggering, as if he was acknowledging the aftereffects of his transformation, he rushed towards Lin Feng step by step.

He wanted to tear Lin Feng up and throw him into the deep sea to feed the fish!
Lin Feng was fearless and walked towards him.

The momentum shown by the two of them was so strong that everyone in the boxes on the third floor of the entire bar hurried over to watch.

When everyone saw the mess in the box, they were shocked.

Especially when they saw that the one-foot-thick wall was already full of cracks, they were once again extremely frightened.

Is this kind of destructive power similar to that after an earthquake really caused by the two humans in front of us?

Seeing this, Lin Feng frowned slightly, and his speed suddenly increased. He took the lead in flying and slammed the door of the box, then turned around and faced Jiang Ziming.

He closed the door because he didn't want the force of tearing the wall to hurt the innocent. Naturally, he would not give Jiang Ziming a chance to resist.

"call out!"

The speed of Lin Feng's rampage was extremely fast. In Jiang Ziming's eyes, it was like an afterimage of a ghost, making it impossible for him to catch Lin Feng's exact position, let alone swing his confident and violent blow.


Just when Jiang Ziming was momentarily annoyed, four consecutive sounds of bones breaking made him stare, and he fell limply on the ground.

His limbs were broken, and his complexion had changed from sallow to maroon. The severe tearing sensation made him miserable, but he didn't cry out in pain.

He really couldn't believe it, he really didn't expect that in this small Tianhai City, there would be a martial arts master as strong as him!
Moreover, he is still a super master who has been suppressing him to blast.

"You... who are you?" Jiang Ziming wanted to cry at this moment, but deep down in his heart, he was finally afraid of Lin Feng.

"I am your nightmare." Lin Feng was slightly out of breath, and after recovering quickly, he picked up a bottle of vodka and drank it down in one gulp.

After Jiang Ziming saw Lin Feng's indifferent appearance, he swallowed dryly with difficulty, feeling his throat was sweet, and spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

Escape, must escape!
Even if his limbs are crippled, he will do everything possible to escape from this place.

If not, those waiting for him may not even know how he died!

"Young Master Lin, keep someone under your command."

But at this moment, the door of the box opened, and Feng Ze, with a mustache on his lips, walked in.

"Mr. Feng, what do you imply?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly and his eyes were sharp.

Today is Feng Lulu's birthday, Fengze was not there, but when Lin Feng was fighting Jiang Ziming, Fengze came uninvited?
Could it be that there is some kind of unknown relationship between Fengze and Jiang Ziming?
"Mr. Lin, please save Feng a certain face, how about keeping him alive?" Feng Ze looked at Lin Feng, seeming to be worried.

"Give me a reason." Lin Feng had no expression on his face, his eyes were deep, and he stared at Fengze.

"If there's a reason, it's that this person can't die in Tianhai." Feng Ze's voice was deep and powerful, he reached out and patted Lin Feng's shoulder, and looked at Lin Feng meaningfully.

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(End of this chapter)

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